Wednesday, July 13, 2005

If you ever plan to buy a house......

Let me just tell you. Selling a house and buying a new house can be SUCH a nightmare. First selling:

We ave been trying to sell our house for a few months now. We've had several showings, but so far only one offer. I think I mentioned the offer in previous posts, but basically, the guy is trying to screw us. Basically, he's asking us to lower our price and pay his closing costs. We are willing to do so, but only if we do not incur a loss in the transaction. The last offer he made, we would basically be paying $800 for him to buy our house. Not going to happen. We made a counter offer that will basically have us break even on the sale. It's our last offer. His agent is being a prick by saying that we aren't motivated sellers. We are motivated, just not motivated enough to take a stiff one in the ass. (if you are of delicate nature, please forgive my vulgar reference to anal penatration. I am a bit frustrated at the moment and am venting. I do not mean to offend.) My agent is great. She is (a nicely as possibe)telling the buying agent that his client is asking us to bend too much. Basically, she is not going to let us take an offer that is bad for us. We'll see what happens today. The bright side is, if this guy doesn't buy from us, there is another buyer that is interested. He is an insurance rep, so he is in Florida right now helping the Huricane Dennis victems. (Can you really call them victems though? They know that hurricanes go through the area every year. EVERY YEAR!! It's not like it was a suprise to any of them. Well, at least they were all smart enough to evacuate this time so that no one was hurt. I'm just saying that there is no way that I would ever move to the Florida coast. I'm off on a tangent, sorry.) So, hopfully if this ass hole seller doesn't take our offer, this other guy will make an offer when he gets back from FL.

On buying a house:

We've been looking at houses for months (I give up on a poop after twenty monutes -Larry the Cable Guy). Our realtor is AWESOME. Her name is Mary Allen and she is with Keller Williams (TEAMCOLUMBUS.COM). I would recommend her to anyone. She has been so patient with us throughout this whole process. When we needed to find a new place quickly, she set up eight showings for us in less that 24 hours. Plus, as soon as we walk in a house, instead of trying to sell the place to us, whe points out the negative aspects of the house. Basically, she doesn't want us to end up ion a house that won' work out for us. Well, throughout the months, we put an offer on a few places and they were both rejected because no one wants to accept an offer from someone that has a house to sell. Now that we have a potential buyer, the houses we wanted are off the market. Yesterday, we found a great place. It had been on the market for almost three months. We made an offer. SO DID TWO OTHER PEOPLE!!! As soon as we find a place that we want to get, BAM! two other offers. It has been on sale for 90 days. Where were these people for 90 days? It's like they follow us and wait to see what we do before they swoop in and ruin our chances to get a nice house.

I hate the real estate scene.

Anyone want to buy our house? It's nice.......

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