Sunday, July 17, 2005


I hate house shopping. At first, it was fun. You get to go into other people's homes and snoop around a bit. You can imagine how nice your sofa will look infront of the fire place, or how nice it would be to relax in the hot tub. Well, we've looked at countless houses. We've found several that we like, several that we loved, and a few that we put offers on. Every offer to date we have been rejected or out bid. No one wants to accept an offer for their house from someone that hasn't sold their house. The good new, we found a buyer. The bad news, we still haven't technically sold out house. So, we need to find a house that we can afford with owners that don't mind the little detail that we need to sell out place before we can buy theirs. PAIN IN THE ASS!!! We saw two more houses today. both were nice. We would like to live in both of them. Now we just need to convince the owners of these houses to accept our bid even thoughwe haven't technilly sold our place yet. What a nightmare.


Mona said...

Yeah....I know how it can be. Not that I've actually purchased a house myself, but you know how often my mom moved houses. She's moved about 6 or 7 times since first moving to Toledo. So, I kind of know the frustrations of home-buying. It's a pain in the ass. Good luck!!!

Woody! said...

Well, if you're having problems getting people to sell to you, you could always build. Of course, I work for a home builder so I may not be the most unbiased person to listen to.