Thursday, July 14, 2005

comedy time

Two jobs that I would NEVER take if I were an actor:

1: The girl whose face fills the TV screen and tells us about the last time she had a break out of herpes.

2: The guy in the commercials for Viagra or any other pill that helps men get it up. My favorite part of those commercials is when they talk about the side effects and tell you that if you have a boner for over four hours, go to the hospital. If I had a boner for four hours, I'd go to the bedroom with my wife first.

Wouldn't you think that actors would draw the line somewhere? If I needed money badly enough that I would go on TV and tell the world that I have herpes, I think I'd try to find a new line of work.

On a serious note, I am in a very good mood because it looks like we may be selling our house soon. We have a new buyer making an offer and it sounds like this guy is much more reasonable than the last guy. We're going to know tonight. We're also going to look at more houses out in Hilliard. One looks like a good option from what I saw on the internet. We'll see....

1 comment:

Woody! said...

Wasn't there a Friends episode where Joey was the "VD guy"? It was a still photo campaign that he apparently didn't know about. Hey, these people are desperate to get jobs and are, obviously, willing to do whatever it takes to get their big break.