Sunday, July 31, 2005

I am bored, again

Yes, this is my second posting today. Today is the first Sunday shift that I have had to work and it SUCKS. The work is the same, but there's no one here. I guess that it's OK, but I don't have any distractions. I'll have to work the whole time, I guess. I'll probably go scrounging on the other floors looking for boxes for the move. There are always good sized boxes left over from computer paper. Man, I can't believe that I'm the only one here. Maybe other people show up later. If not, I guess I can always race around the floor on my chair. That's always a good time.

Well, Jessica is done reading the new Harry Potter book, so now it's my turn. I read the first chapter last night before I fell asleep. Nothing too dramatic yet, but I really liked how it gave the reader a different angle of the HP world. a Muggle view. I won't go into details in case you haven't read it, but I'm pleased that, even after one chapter, it is apparent that author is still coming up with origional ideas. I read in the Other Paper that the last 100 pages are impossible to put down. I can believe it. When reading Order of the Phoenix, I was up until almost three AM because I couldn't stop reading until I found out what happened. Also, the Other paper reviewer said that this book is really not so much a kids book. I'm sure we'll let Noah read it, but the article in the paper said that there are some things that some kids might not get. Hopfully I get whatever it is that they are talking about. I am a bit simple sometimes.

Movies we've rented recently (in case you cared). I don't think I've written about these, but if I have forgive me. The memory isn't that good anymore.

Cursed: I felt cursed after watching it. The film wasn't bad enough to turn it off, but it wasn't good enough to take seriously. This movie has Christina Ricci and a brief appearance by Shannon Elizabeth. There are some tense moment in the movie until you realize just how not good it is. If you really want to rent it, I would view it with a MST3K mentality. There aren't even any shower scenes to make it more appealing to the male audience. Grade: D

Hide and Seek: Much better than Cursed. This movie stars Bobbie D. (Deniro) and Dakota Fanning (Is anyone else sick of her? there HAS to be another young girl that can act.) I don't want to tell anything about this one because it is full of trists and turns. If you rent to DVD, make sure that you check out the alternate endings. they are kinda neat. Grade: B

Constantine: I still have to say 'dude' everytime I see Keanu in a movie. He'll forever be Ted in my mind. Anyway, this movie is based off of a Darkhorse comic character and also stars the hot chick from the Mummy movies. The premise is that Heaven and Hell are at war for earth and only Constantine can see what's going on and stop the evil demons that are coming on to earth. I wasn't able to follow too much of this movie, only because Alydia was crying for most of it. The effects were neat, which is always a plus for me, but the characters just weren't too sympathetic. I didn't care too much about what happened to them. I was also reminded of the Matrix movies where Keanu has special powers and sees things in the world that 'normal' people are blind to. Type casted much? I wanted to see it again so that I could catch the things that I missed, but over all, I was not as impressed as I wanted to be. Grade: C+

Blast from the past moment: Seeing eveyone from high school last night brought something to mind. does anyone remember going to Carrie Flaggerts house and being subjected to the 'Mona Movie'? No, it didn't star Mona, she just picked it out and it was REALLY bad. It was supposed to be scary, but we laughed the whole time. The moment that stands out in my mind is when a possed girl (nude, of course) puts on some lipstick and then puts the tube of makeup away....IN HER BOOBIE!!!! Ah, good times....good times.

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