Wednesday, June 22, 2005

The Plan

After reading everyone's blogs and seeing what fun jobs that everyone has, I have decided that I need a plan. Well, here it is: I'm going to start working from home soon. I'll have the same job, I'll just be doing it from home. Free Road Runner, a computer, maybe even a cable phone line. It will be nice to roll out of bed, wear my hole filled underwear, and go to work whenever I get up. Anyway, since I will save time and money by working from home, I am going to start taking self study classes in the financial services field. Eventuually, hopfully by next year, I will become a financial advisor. Now doesn't that sound exciting. Actually, I think it does. I'll have the potential to make more money and work with more people and quit my job. So, in a few years when youask yourselves, "do I really have enough life insurance?" you can give me a call and I can tell you, "No you don't. give me your money." Seriously though, I am hoping to eventually start my own business, either with Nationwide or as an independant agent. So, that's 'the plan'. I'm starting out small with these self study courses, but after I pass the tests for them, I get a free trip and I will be allowed to put nifty letters after my name. Soon, I will be Eric Rhodes AAPA. The best part is that Nationwide pays for it and I get $100 for every test I pass. Well, I guess the trip is really the best part.


Anonymous said...

Whoa, cool. As it turns out, I need a financial advisor, so when you're all certified and stuff, you've got a customer :)

Eric Rhodes said...

Good to know Amy. I'm hoping that I'll be up and running in a year or so. Lots of stuff to do though.

Woody! said...

Sounds like a good plan. Hopefully, things go according to plan and money follows you.

Thanks for the link, appreciate the pub.

Eric Rhodes said...

Well, Woody, the only people that read my blog are the three people that I have linked. So, not too much extra traffic coming from me, I'm afraid.

Mona said...

Great plan. I, for once in my life, have decided that my "Plan B" is to NOT have a plan. It took a lot of time and effort to finally come up with my backup plan of having no plan. After two degrees and a professional job, I'm still not happy. I have a tendency to jump on the wagon when I think I've got a hold of a life-path. I leap before I really research things because I don't have a clue what I'd really, TRULY want to do. So, in the past I've always figured that doing [insert degree or career path here] won't be so bad since I have no idea else what to do. The problem is that doing [insert degree or career path here] detracts my energy and time away from life-exploration so I can figure out what I'm "supposed" to be doing. So, SCREW IT! No plan. I am going to work at my current job for awhile but pretend I'm living off a grad-student salary so I can SAVE, SAVE, SAVE! I'm also going to invest in a retirement fund while I'm here in the professional world. Then, once I can't stand working here anymore and have enough money saved up where I feel a bit more comfortable, I'm going to quit and HAVE NO PLAN. No backups, no jobs, etc. Since I have no dependents and am single, it's an easier thing for me to do. I figure if I'm going to do something like this, now is the time. I may take a few Spanish classes as a non-degree grad student and maybe get a part-time job doing whatever. I think it will also finally be time for me to move to Denver at that point. I guess I'll cross that bridge once I come to it!