Friday, June 17, 2005

Movies I want to see this summer:

I haven't been this excited about a summer of move since, well, last summer I guess. If you care, here is a list of movies I want to see this summer and why (in no particular order) :

1. Batman Beginnings - Finally, a Batman movie that doesn't look like it will suck. The first one was good, but with Jack Nicholson as the Joker, it's har to go wrong. It looks like for this new movie, they are going back to the roots of Batman. I know the origins, of course, but I am actually looking forward to more details of how Batman was created. I like the Batmobile concept that they are going with because it looks more like some of the comics that I've read, rather than the Adam West Batmobile that has been morphed into a neon and black nightmare. Woody may correct me about my concept of the Batmobile, but the car in this new movie, to me, is a believable vehicle for a newly born Dark Knight. I just hope that they don't take this new Batman sorty the same direction as the old movies. An for goodness sake, can we take it easy on the Bat Nipples this time. The last Batsuit had pseudo nipples the size of silver dollars. COME ON!!

2. Fantastic four - I never read a Fantastic Four comic (sorry Woody). I was limited by my funds, so I stuck with my favorites, Wolverine, X-Men, and Spawn. I have other comics, of course, but no FF books. I know the background from cartoons on TV and from what I've read in crossovers, but I don't know much more that a comet gave them their powers. One is stretchy, one is invisible, one is hot, and one is a rock. The effects look pretty good and it looks like the casting is pretty good too. The Thing costume looks a little cheezy and fake, but it would be hard to make Det. Vick Mackey walk around in a rock outfit.

Movies I may wait for them to come out on DVD

1. War of the Worlds - I saw the origional movie and liked it. I also LOVE that the radio broadcast version caused panic back in the day. Heck, I even watched the TV show that was out for a while in the 80's. Anyway, the new version looks really good. True, I am getting tired of Tom Cruise and all of his Scientology rigamerole, but he is a good actor. Again, the effects for this movie look good. The only thing holding me back is a question: how many times can a cold really kill a race of superior aliens? Wouldn't you check on the atomosphere of a planet or wear a protective suit if you weren't sure that everything was 100% safe? Who knows, maybe this movie will end differently.

2. There's a new Zombie movie coming out this summer, I think it's called City of the Dead. What can I say, I'm a sucker for a good zombie movie. The new version of Dawn of the Dead release a year or so ago was way better than the origional and Shaun of the Dead was hillarious. Anyway, this new flick looks promising and seems to have a new twist. Instead of being at the biginning of when the dead start to rise, this movie appears to focus on the ending days when zombies roam the plains like bullafo and the last living people are trapped in a walled city. And I bet it will have good violence, good effects, and even some gratuiotous bobbie. They may be zombie boobies, but boobies none the less.

Dont waste your time on:

Jessica and I watched Boogey Man last night. I'l just say that I'm glad that we rented it instead of waisting $19.95 to buy it. It had a few scares, but really was just a cheap knock off of the movie with the scary tooth fairy, Darkness Fall, I think. The plot is almost scene for scene. The ending blew chunks and the effects were bad. If you can rent it for a dollar and you really want to see it, just make sure that you return it on time or else you will kick yourself for having to pay a late fee for that garbage.

Does this make me gay?:

The local movie store was having a pre-viewed movied sale for 5$ each. Am I gay because I bought Mean Girls? My guess would be no because 1. the movie is kinda funny and 2. Lindsay Lohan is HOT. The other girls too. We also for the new version of Dawn of the Dead and a Star Trek Xbox game for $5 each. The game is reted E, so it will probably suck, but since Gabriel started dropping the F bomb and acting like he's shooting everything in the world, I'm not allowed to play M rated games. Darned impressionable youth.

Wel, that's all for today.


Anonymous said...

Batman Begins was outstanding. It's definitely worth seeing.

Anonymous said...

gay because you bought Mean Girls, no.
Gay because you like men, yes