Friday, September 28, 2007


What a fun word: hodgepodge.

1. OSU takes on Minnesota this Saturday. The game is going to be a late game and will be televised. Our neighbors are having a party and the game on a big screen, and the invite said that the local news channel will be broadcasting live from the party. We may go, but I don't know for sure. OSU is favored big against a struggling Golden Gophers squad.

2. Bionic Woman was good. You can definately tell that the Battlestar Galactica creators are behind the Bionic Woman. Not only the writing, but the cameos from BSG actors. Cheif Tyrol and Starbuck are in guest spots, and the lawyer from Baltar's trial is a permanent fixture on the show. It stinks though, because Bionic Woman is on at the same time as Ramsey's Kitchen Nightmares and Criminal Minds. I am in DVR HELL!! I actually had to dig up a VHS tape and record BW the old scool way.

3. Bowling last night was OK. I was a little below average, but considering I set a losty average of 199 the first week, I was bound to slip a little. I think I ended up with a 540 series (about a 180 average) so I will drop down overall to a much more managable 190 average. I guess my dreams of joining the PBA are going to shit. Still it is always a fun night out.

4. I am going to try again to diet. It is SO hard considering my love of food and drink. Protein, salad, and water doesn't make for an exciting dining experience. Still, when I eat junk food, like I have this week, I feel like crap. Mostly worn down and I always have terrible heartburn. When I eat healthy, no heartburn.

I hope everyone has a good weekend. GO BUCKS!!


Anonymous said...

I so wanted to watch Bionic Woman because I love shows where women kick ass, but I was too tired and went to bed innstead. Kinda lame, eh?

You stole my blog title of hodgepodge. I used it first!! :)

Eric Rhodes said...

I know I stole your title. Hodgepodge is just such a fun word. It was also a name of a character on Bloom County, my favorite new paper comic strip.

Bryan said...

Bionic Woman was pretty cool, fun show. I actually liked LIFE ever better. Funny, well written. Oh and you can watch both online now, which is how I caught them, it's not HD or anythign but pretty good.