Sunday, July 29, 2007

Instead of a Summer Cookout.....

Sorry folks. This summer has just gotten past me too quickly. What with going to California and trying to keep up with yard work and other things, planning a cookout just slipped my mind. Besides, most of the people that I would have invited have moved out of state or are having kids this summer. So, I dicided to put off the summer cookout and will plan an early fall birthday party. Jessica's birthday is in September, so I will tempt the fates and risk having a party during football season. It will probably not be anything too big, but I will certainly include your names on the invite list if you feel the need to come to C-bus for some Rhodes home cookin'. Again, I am sorry to those of you that were looking forward to a summer cookout here. It just doesn't seem like it will work out. It would probably be on the 8th or 22nd of September. More likey the 22nd, since I have the opportunity to go to an OSU football game on the 8th. Still, I need to check the OSU football schedule (yes, I plan things around the OSU season) and also check with Jessica to see what would work best for her. I may go with a Friday or Sunday date instead. We'll see.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No problem, Enrique. Trying to organize events is always time-consuming, so I understand completely.