Saturday, July 14, 2007

Flickr Pics

So, I added all of the interesting pictures from our trip to my Flickr page. I hope you like them. I will post more content tomorrow, but here are a few observations that I made about Cali:

1. in California, they say 'soda' not 'pop'.
2. in California, every highway is preceeded by saying 'the'. The 104. The 14. The 405. etc. In Ohio, we just say the route number: "Take 315." rather than "Take the 405."
3. driving in LA brought out a whole new aggressive driving style I never knew was in me. No one yields to merging traffic and keeping 'safe distance' from the car infront of you is open invitation to others to cut in front of you.
4. LAX is a pain in the ass compaired to Columbus Internation Airport
5. 'Dry heat' is bull shit. Hot is hot.
6. LA has TONS more fast food options. They have the McDonalds, BK, and Wendy's options, like in Ohio, but also, Jack in the Box, Popeyes, Weinerschnitzel, an In'N'Out Burger. Funny since California is supposed to be a 'healthy' state co0mpaired to Ohio.
7. POP (remember, they say 'soda') is way over priced in CA. Here in Columbus, I can get a 12 pack of pop for $3.99, sometimes 4 for $10 if they are on sale, but in California, it was $5.50 for a 12 pack.

A few interesting things we saw:

1. Barbed wire on the bottoms of interstate signs to prevent grafitti
2. A highway sign indicating illegal immigrant crossings on the highway (like a deer crossing sign in Ohio)
3. A brush fire
4. Mountains
5. 110 degree temperature. It was a 'dry heat' though.
6. I saw a child on a leash. I thought of Woody, took a picture, but it was kinda far away, so it looked like I was taking a picture of the mom's ass. It was a nice ass at least, but I deleted the picture.
7. A lotof people swim in shirts. I do it to spare the world from the sight of my grossness, but there were alot of kids in shirts swimming too. Probably because of the intense sunlight.
8. Smog is gross. On a perfectly sunny day, thereis a gray haze over LA.
9. There weren't as many women with obviously fake boobies as I thought I would see. A few, yes, but my guess is that the local women that would (steriotypically) have the fakies probably don't hang out at Disney or Lego Land.

More Tomorrow.


Woody! said...

Welcome back, man. Cali's a weird place. Glad you survived.

You've got a lot of Xbox to catch up on. I almost passed you in Achievement points.

Sorry I didn't respond to your Xbox message but I'm not a gold member so I can't send replies. I only beat the butcher once without the MegaBlaster. I was level 50 and had the mini-chainsaw.

Eric Rhodes said...

How did you save Carlito then? I was able to kill him finally. I ducked behind the slabs of beef and plugged him with everything I had. The shotty worked pretty goot.

Mona said...

I like the illegal immigrant crossing sign comment in this post. Did you get a picture of it? That's hilarious.

I haven't looked at your pics, yet. I'll check them out in a second. :)

Eric Rhodes said...

No, I didn't get a picture of the immigrant sign. Here's a link to one though:

Yes, it is a real sign.

Eric Rhodes said...

The rest of the web page after "" is


It didn't paste right for some reason. You could also Google "immigrant crossing sign" images and it will come up.

Anonymous said...

Eric, people in Ohio are not by law need to yield to merging traffic. The merger is suppose to yield. But, then again us Ohioian are so nice we do yield to merging traffic. Tell me about it. I never driving in any city bigger than Columbus. But, I hate it when I leave a safe distance then cars cut in front of me. It happen all the time. But, then again. I am one of those drivers that people like my husband yells at for taking too long to pass in the passing lane.