Thursday, December 06, 2007

Multi-post bloggin'

1. Tin Man - The Sci Fi Channel is getting some pretty good programming these days. This past week, Sci fi aired a mini-series called Tin Man. If you are not familiar with the show, it is based off of the story The Wizard of Oz. It is not the same story that the old movie told. It is losely based of the same story, but is more modern. Thee is a Scarecrow type character, a Cowardly Lion character, and a Tin Man Character, only each character is a bit different from classic story (the Tin Man is a police officer. The badge is made of tin Get it?). I won't go into details too much, but it is definately worth watching. You can see it on and I think it is being aired again this weekend.

2. Superbad = Super Hilarious!!! Get the DVD.

3. BUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRR - It snowed about six inches here yesterday. I like the first snow of the year. It is very pretty. I also like it snowy for Christmas. It just seems like it's not really Christmas unless there is some white powder on the ground. Beyond that, I wish the weather was a constant 80 degrees and sunny. Occasional rain is nice too, but the first days of Spring is the best time of year in my book.

4. How my mom stole Christmas - This year my mom told me that she is not buying presents for "adult children" this year and that we are not allowed to buy anything for her. Talk about bah humbugging Christmas! She said that it is because she hates shopping because she never knows what to get anyone. I like that this happens the year AFTER I buy them a DVD player. I was expecting to cash in this year. Plus, we usually hand out pictures of the kids this time of year for presents. I guess she doesn't get any this year. I have a way around it though. My parents' anniversary is Dec 28th, so instead of Christmas presents, they are getting anniversary presents. She is going to hate it.

5. In regards to above, we have almost all of the shopping done for the kids. Noah is getting a Ipod shuffle and some other odds and ends, Gabe is getting a RoboSapien, which is a remote control robot and some Transformers and other toys, and we are getting Aldia some dolls and toys. Actually, we only need to get things for Ally still. The boys are taken care of. We also want to get a Wii, but they are hard to find.

6. Wii's are hard to find. We have checked WalMart, Target, and GameStop. Each place tells us they are sold out and are expecting a shipment any day. I would try to order one online, but I doubt I will find one at a reasonable price that will ship in time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It snowed here, too. I really dislike the snow. I mean, It's fun if you have time to play in it, but when you live in the city playing in snow doesn't work out so well.

I'm well on my way with my X-mas shopping. I pretty much know what I'm getting everyone and have a good portion of it completed. YAY!