Friday, December 28, 2007

Four Days of Fattness

I have madeup my mind that this coming year, 2008, starting January 1st, I am going on a major diet. No more drinking booze. No more Christmas cookies. No more fast food. Add some excercise. I am hoping to get back down to my college weight by summer. It will be difficult and improbable, but it is a change that I need to make. I haven't weighed myself for a long time, but I know that I need to drop some pounds. So, that means that these last four days are the last days for me to be a bad boy. I won't be a glutton, eating nothing but cookied and carbs, but I will allow myself a few favorites before I impliment my diet. I will probably get some Roosters (like Hooters or BW3's, but better) and some Chipotle. The rough part is going to be no more beer, whiskey, or wine. the diet books say that some alcohol is OK, but I usually put my liver to the test and drink too much. The easiest way to do this is to just not buy anymore.

The hardest part about dieting, for me, is taking the time to prepare all of the foods that I am allowed to have. It takes time to make a nice salad and grill some chicken. Plus, it is hard to make these foods interesting everyday. What I usually do is make a big bag of salad and cook up several chicken breasts and eat off them sor a few days. Another negative is the cost of the diet. Eating salad and chicken or steak gets pricey. Still, I need to do it for myself and for my kids. I don't want to be that dad that never does anything with them because I am too fat and tired all the time. After all is said and done, I may post my before and after weights, but I don't want people to know how much I weigh now, until I have lost all I want to lose. I only hope that there are no major stressers in my life while I try to lose weight. I am a stress eater and drinker.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I lost a bit of poundage this summer and promptly gained it back once it started getting cold out. It's very frustrating. I'm hoping that this year will be a good year, though. I think there will be a lot less stress in my life, which can compound health issues considerably, including weight gain.