Friday, December 14, 2007

Best Poker Night Ev'

I played some cards last night after bowling. Considering the shitty shitty night of bowling I had, it was apparent that all of my karma was going towards playing poker. I couldn't buy a strike to save my life and out team got DESTROYED every game. Anyway, the highlight of the evening was poker. One of my poker buddies lives close to the bowling alley and usually has a cash game on Thursdays. I mentioned a few posts ago that I was doing well lately in cards. I am up about $200 since the beginning of November. Not a bad chunk of change. Well, last night made that chunk of change over a month look laughable. I was hitting hand after hand and playing them well. There were only a couple hands that I play where I was upset with myself. I started out with $20, played with it for a while, went up, went down, up again, and then lost it all. I bought in for another $20. I played with it for the rest of the night. Went up, and up, then down a little, and then back up and up some more. All in all, I turned my $40 total buy in into $339. WOO-HOO!! Honestly, some of the winnings were due to luck, but I think most of them were due to playing well. I am amazed at how much money some of the guys lost last night. One guy, Benny, went to the ATM three or four times. He was easily in for at least $200. I guess he can afford it, but I only play with $20 or $40 before I quit. Anyway, I stopped keeping track officially, but I think that I am now even in my poker winnings and losses. I am rather pleased with myself. I hope that it is a sign that I am actually getting good at playing cards, rather than just being lucky.

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