Friday, December 07, 2007

General Stuff

A Rant - What's up with DVD sleeves? Do you all remember when CDs came in those huge cardboard boxes? I thought they were neat because I would keep them and hang them up on my walls in my bedroom, but the music industry put a halt to the use of these boxes in order to become more green friendly. Less cardboard used, fewer trees cut down. I got it. Now, the DVD industryhas started the same practice. Not all, but several DVDs are packaged in sleeves, both cardboard and plastic. What the hell for? Nine times out of ten, the box is identicle to the main DVD case: same pictures and same information on the back. I just don't get it. They waste space and make it harder to get into the DVDs. I usually just throw them away.

Bowling - I got one of my bowling balls worked on this past week. I have three, but really only use two. The one I got worked on is the older of the two, my Brunswick Zone. It is probably the more aggressive of my two bowling balls, but I don't use it as much because it was drilled wrong. I guess my hand has changed some through the years. Anyway, I got inserts put into the finger holes. They are rubber sleeve thingies that go into the finger holes to improve grip and reduce finger irritation. Well, I used my Zone last night and rolled a 648 series (216 per game average). I was pretty excited.

Poker - I won more money last night. We played a little bit after bowling at the ally. We have done it before, but this time the security guy told us that the assistant manager didn't want us playing anymore. We didn't have any money on the table, but were using chips. I guess they (the manager) were worried that the chips would violate their liquor license. Well, at least we played long enough to win $30. I am now up $230 for the past month. Nice. It probably would have been more because some guy at the ally asked to join the game and he lost $11 in three hands. All to me, actually. I am on my game, but I need to keep my head about myself. Last time I won a lot, I started playing sloppy and lost it. I am trying to hone my game enough so that I can do better next time I attempt the World Series of Poker even in Indiana coming next year in April. I am going to try to play in as many games as I can up until April.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like your rant. It's random and yet, very valid. :)