Saturday, December 15, 2007

I Am Legend - Worth Seeing in the Theater

I like sci-fi/horror movies. More specifically, I like the zombie genre: Dawn of the dead, Night of the Living Dead, Resident Evil.....these are all fun movies to me. I can't say why, maybe I just like being scared. Anyway, I Am Legend is the same type of film. Jessica and I went to see it last night and I really enjoyed it. It was really much better than the films I mentioned above. I was right in my post earlier this week. I Am Legend is very similar to Resident Evil and 28 Days Later. Will Smith play a survivor of an outbreak that has wiped out a large part of the world's population. I won't go into details though, because it was a really good movie and worth watching. Will Smith gave a really good performance. Some of the effects were a little fake looking, but they were not bad enough to be turned off by them. There were enough good scares and good plot twists and turns to make this a fun movie to watch. It was weird though. at the end of the movie, people clapped. I don't get that. I guess they are showing their appreciation for the film, but the actors and film makers can't hear them clapping. What's the point?

I was really excited my one of the previews that I saw: The Dark Knight. It is the Batman Begins sequel. It was weird, because I was thinking to myself, "Self, I wonder if there is a new Batman movie coming up sometime soon." just before the trailer started. The movie looks pretty good. The villian this time is The Joker, played by Heath Ledger. I was suprised by this because Heath Ledger is such a pretty boy and he looks hideous as The Joker. I must say that I really like the route that they took for these new Batman films. They are bringing out more of the darkness of the story rather than trying too hard to make the movies look like the comic books. Batman was good with Michael Keaton as Batman and Jack Nicholson as the Joker, but then the films just got silly. Anyway, I am excited about this movie.

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