Monday, August 06, 2007

Xbox Ups and Downs

The past few days have been full of Xboxing ups and downs. I think that there may have been a problem with the World Series of Poker servers. On Saturday night, every game I got into had crazy high blinds. At first, I thought someone was setting them like that, but it was four games in a row with $2500 ante and $2500 big blind. So, it was $5000 to play a hand (you start with only $25000). It was really irritating. Then, when I played a game of NCAA 08, I got my ass kicked. That game is SO frustrating. For no rhyme or reason, you fumble or throw in interception. I threw two passes to wide open receivers, but for some reason, my QB thought it would be better to throw it to a saftey five yards away. Whatever.

The bright point of the weekend was when I downloaded Pac Man, Championship edition. It's like the classic Pac Mac game, but different. The maze changes as you clear the dots away. It's difficult to explain, but the game is f-ing addictive. First off, I LOVED Pac Man as a kid. I was a machine when it came to chomping those dots and eatin' ghosts. I forget my high scores, but I would get to the levels where the power pellets lasted less than a second and the ghosts were faster than Pac Man. The Championship Edition is really quite challenging. You have a time limit, and you are supposed to get as many points as you can in that time limit. That means you have to actively go after the ghosts instead of just clearing dots. Xbox Live tracks high scores on the Championship mode (there are five or six different modes to chose from) and there are some crazy high scores (my high is, like 120000, but there are people with 300000+). It's crazy because of the five minute time limit. I think Lefty Brown has a high score of around 250000. How, I do not know. you get bonus points for eating a bunch of ghosts in a row, but a limited supply of power pellets. I don't see myself getting near Lefty. Still it is a fun game. There are alot of fun games that you can download onto your Xbox from Xbox Live. I think Bomber Man may be my next download.


Lefty said...

Hey who made WSOP? I ask because Saturday night I was getting real bad server problems as well playing Chomehounds. I wonder if it was an Xbox Live thing.

As for Pacman C.E. I'll be name dropping it in a future podcast...possibly on my wife and mine forthcoming gaming podcast ( I had the high score on my friends list for a while but recently one of my friends got 280,000 points for a 5 minute match...and since then I've been trying to reclaim the top of my friend's leaderboard. I love the look of's perfect for HiDef. However, as I mentioned to you...I now have to buy a new controller after grinding the left thumstick playing C.E. so much.

Eric Rhodes said...

I think it is Activision.

Man, I can't even imagine 280000 in the five minute mode. There HAS to be a trick to it. Especially since the power pellets are in short supply on some of the boards. I can last the full five minutes, but I'm guessing there is some SERIOUS ghost chomping before reaching 200k+.

Woody! said...

I keep trying to catch up to your Gamerscore but you're always just out of reach.

Lefty said...

Well the only trick I do is I use the power pellets to maximize the value of the ghosts. If you keep eating power pellets before the last one times out, when you eat a ghost their value increases to the 3200/ghost max. If you reach the 3200 level, then it stays at 3200 while the pellet is still active. So if done right you can earn 12,800 by eating the 4 ghosts.

The other thing to remembers is that ghosts will never turn around, they keep moving in a line.

Oh and if you die eat a power pellet and eat a few ghosts and you will level up how much the dots are worth. Why earn 10 points per dot when you can earn 20?