Sunday, August 12, 2007

Fun and Strange Stuff

Sorry for all the rantings and ravings yesterday. I guess I was a little worked up. On the lighter side of the news:

Thursday I had the best poker night of my life. I was getting great hands and playing them well. Full houses, straights, flushes, three of a kind, it was great. The best part of it all is that the other players kept thinking I was bluffing or something. I would bet, they would raise, I would call and win. The biggest hand I won was for about $160. I went home with $270 more than I went with. I only made one or two bad calls, which only cost me a few dollars here and there. I'd like to think that I won because of my supurb card playing, but really, it was more the great cards I was getting.

Last night we stepped back into the 80's for some hair metal. We went to the fair to see Slaughter and Quiet Riot. It was OK. I didn't really want to go, but it was a night out without the kids. The crazy thing was that both bands played new songs instead of playing their classics. I guess that they each played two 'classics'. Slaughter played Fly to the Angels and their other big song (I forget the name) and Quiet Roit played Bang your Head and Come on Feel The Noise. Side by side, Quiet Riot played the best set. Not because I liked the music more, but because the mixing for Slaughter was awful. The guitar TOTALLY overpowered Slaughter's singer. All in all, it was an ok time. The best part was making fun of all of the people stuck in their 80's fasion. I saw fishnets and a permed mullet! Not on the same person, of course. There was also a for-the-hearing-impaired signer that they put up on the big screen. It was funny watching her rock out while signing the lyrics of cheesey 80's songs.


Anonymous said...

I like 80's, but Slaughter was never on my music list.

Speaking of 80's, I just recently got a hair-cut. While it looks great when I blow-dry it straight, if I let my curls take over, I totally look like an 80's rock-star. It's hilarious.

Eric Rhodes said...

that is funny. Can't wait to see it. Posting any pics of the 80's doo? I need a good laugh.

Eric Rhodes said...

Oh, and the other song by Slaughter that I knew was 'Up All Night, Sleep All Day'. I just remembered last night.