Thursday, August 23, 2007

Lefty Tagged me. I usually don't like these chian letter type things, but this one seems interesting.

Here are the rules:
- Each player starts with eight random facts about themselves.
- Those who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight facts and post these rules.
- At the end of the post, choose some people to get tagged and list their names.

I don't know how indepth I am going to delve into my personal side, but here are my 8 facts about myself:

1. When I was small (3 or 4 years old) we had a miniature poodle named Lady. Once Lady escaped our back yard, I chased after, and was found later by a neighbor several streets away.

2. I once broke my humerous (upper arm bone) into three pieces after being checked into the wall while playing indoor soccer. I have a steel plate and several screws in my arm and a wicked scar. It's strange, but breaking your humerous really isn't very humerous. What a dumb name for a bone.

3. Most people know that I was in the marching band in high school and the Ohio State University Marching Band for four years, but you may not know that I sometimes wish I would have played football in highschool instead. I think I may have been big enough and fast enough to have played in college somewhere. The truth of the matter, is that I was too scared of hurting people to go all out when playing football. I would always hold back a little when tackeling or running the ball.

4. I like to garden, but hate pulling weeds. I have great flower beds and a big veggie garden, but some of the weeds are as big as the pretty plants.

5. I once played in a World Series of Poker tournament and lost miserably, but plan on trying again next year.

6. I love Lego Star Wars toys and wish that I could have a room dedicated to displaying a Lego Star Wars battle scene, complete with a Death Star, several Star Destroyers, and an assortment of other Imperial and Rebel ships. I just don't have the room or the funds. Plus, my kids would want to play with the ships too much.

7. I want to go on a reality show. Sure, they are the cause for the end of most good TV as we know it, but I think it would be fun. My first choice would be Hells Kitchen, where I could cook with and be abused by Chef Gordon Ramsey. If you do poorly, he yells at you and calls you names. If you do well, he yells at you and calls you names, but in a complimentary way.

8. I am not very good at these types of lists. If you have read my blog for any period of time, you probably know half of the things I just wrote about. Honestly, I guess I'm not really too interesting.

Since I don't really know too many bloggers, I guess I will have to tag the few that I do know:

Amy, Rinnert, Mona, and Woody.


Anonymous said...

I did not know all that stuff about you. I think you are interesting. How old were you when you broke your arm. (Hey did I get any brownie points for call you interesting?)

Eric Rhodes said...

Sorry, no Brownie points.

I broke my arm several years ago. I forget exactly when.