Friday, June 29, 2007

It is Still a Vacation if It's Going To Be a Pain in the Ass?

We're leaving for California next Thursday. I was started to look forward to getting away from the daily routine for a while and relaxing a bit. Now, I am starting to rethink that. Initially, we were going to go to a wedding, but it was cancelled. I was happy about this, since I don't really like huge family engagements. Especially when I don't know any of the family members (it was Jessica's cousin getting married). We also planned on a trip to Disney, the beach and a pace called Lego Land. Jessica got the hotel rooms booked and plane tickets paid for, and I was starting to look forward to a fun week. We are going to stay most of the time in the city that another one of Jessica's cousins lives in (not the one gettign married) and then go to the beach and Lego Land from there, and then go to a different hotel near Disney for one night, go to Disney, and then leave for the airport from there. This was the plan for months. Now, this is where I start getting irritated.

Last night Jessica is talking to her cousin who tells her the Lego Land is three hours away. She wants to dive there day one, stay the night, and then go to Lego Land the next day. Well that's some great f---ing information to get a week before we fly out. As I mentioned, we already have the rooms booked. See, this is why I don't like family obligations. I love my family because they are mostly rational and plan things out well in advance. They don't wait until the week before and then suggest plans. We have alot of money rolled up into this trip and to make changes now is going to cost us more money. Plus, now instead of me drivin from the airport to the place we are staying, then from then to Disney and from Disney back to the airport, I have to add six additional hours of drive time. YIKES! I am really not looking forward to all this driving in CA.

Want to know another reason why I hate family obligations? As you may or may not know, After Jessica's mom passed away, Jessica's brother moved down to Columbus in January to be closer to us and their dad. He didn't have a job yet, but moved down anyway. He ended up getting a job, but was let go after oversleeping the first week. Apparently, after that he couldn't find another job until last month. So, for those of you that don't like math, he was living here unemployed for five months. Since he had no money, guess who he asked to pay his rent? Yup. Jessica. So, instead of having money saved up for our vacation, I had to pay our mortgage by myself for several months and everything (hotels, Disney, car rental, food, you name it) is going to have to go on my credit cards. Needless to say, I am irritated by this since I was finally able to get my credit debt down from $10000 to $2000 this past year. I know. It was bad. Now, it is going to go right back up.

OK. I am done bitching now. I really am looking forward to our trip. I just need to look beyond all of the irritants and try to have fun with the wife and kids. I will besure to take tons of pics and will recap when we get home. I just hope that the hoops we will need to jump through will be worth the effort.

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