Thursday, June 14, 2007

Dinner and a Movie, Re-defined

I wanted to go see a movie Tuesday. I was hoping to catch Spiderman 3 at around 2:00, but it was not playing at the time. Instead, I took the kids (never gonna do that again) to see Pirates of the Carribean 3. Unbeknownst to me, I went to Hilliard's new hot spot, Movie Tavern. See, it used to be a regular run-of-the-mill movie theater, but it was converted. Now, when you go see a movie, you get to sit at a table and order food and drinks. This was good because, now I could get the kids some substantial food other than pop corn. Plus, they could stuff their mouths while watching and hopfully sit still the whole time (didn't work). The food was pretty good, but pretty pricy. Remember how they screw you at the concession stands? $4 for a pop and $5 for a large pop corn? Imagine a plate of nachos or a chicken basket. Oh, and the drinks are still $4. I will never take the kids to this place again. The food is too expensive for kids that only eat half of it. Also, there were spinning chairs (like desk chairs) that the little kids were spinning in non stop. It is definately a place that I would go to with Jessica. Perfect for a speed date, and for those of us with kids, speed is good.

As for the movie, it was OK. I was a big fan of the first film. It was fun, exciting, and totally entertaining. The second, was OK. They moved away from the action a little bit and added a bit more plot. This final installment of POTC was a little disappointing. A lot of dry plot, a surreal sceen of the afterlife, and even less action. Good guys are now bad guys, bad guys are good, and a whole bunch of new and different characters were introduced. It was not the best of the three films. It's was almost like they just wanted to wrap up the story. I may have missed alot, since I had to chase the little kids all over the place.

1 comment:

Woody! said...

Yeah, the concept of dinner in a theater sounds good. But my experience was similar to yours. The food was meh, but pretty pricey. On top of that, that's just more fuel to make me go to the bathroom and have to miss some of the movie.