Thursday, June 07, 2007

I'm done (sorta)

So, I finished the quests in Crack Down on Tuesday. Really, I was a little disapointed. I had a great time with this game, you get to kill gangstas and complete quests, with you ultimate goal to clean up the streets of a violent city. Yo are a super-cop with super strength and healing abilities. You also get to look for hidden orbs and agility orbs that give you more strength and abilities. Plus, there are races that you can compete in to give you more experience points. When I say I am done, I mean that I have killed all of the bad guys. I still need to find a bunch of hidden orbs and agility orbs. There area bunch of races I haven't done either. I'm just not sure if I want to committ the time though. What's in it for me? I guess there is bragging rights, like Woody has for Dead Rising and another person I found through Woody, Lefty Brown, has found all but one of the Hidden orbs in Crack Down. I guess that there are more weapons to find too, but is there a point? Wil they be better than my favorite machine gun/rocket launcher combo? I guess I can move on to the next level and play again, but I have Dead Rising, Rainbox 6 LV, and Oblivion to play. Not to mention my online poker addiction. I suppose that I could complete Dead Rising and then revisit Crack Down.....

So, I have also been playing the Halo 3 Beta. The one thing that I have noticed (and my number one pet peeve about first persone shooters) is that I am getting my ass kicked because when I try to reload I am hitting the reload button for Crack Down (that's not the right button for Halo). Plus, I am getting my ass kicked because I basically suck in the rumble pits. AI opponents are easier to kill than real people. I started playing the old Halo story line to see if I could get my reaction times back up and get used to the controls again, but it hasn't helped much. My guess is that I will get into it more and be more successful online after H3 is out and I have gone through the quest. I will get used to the new equipment (bubble shield and portable lifts) and weapons. I heard somewhere that the release date was pushed up to September, but I doubt it.

1 comment:

Woody! said...

It sounds like you're answering your own question. You should move on to the next game or concentrate on the Halo beta. There's only a few days of that left, right?

Then hit Dead Rising and let me know if there's anything I can do to make your zombie killing more enjoyable.