Saturday, March 24, 2007

So, I think I have finally caught up With Lost

As you may know, I have been getting caught up on the show Lost. I didn't watch it at first because it looked too far fetched. Plus, it was in a bad time slot. I finally caved in a got the first disk of season one through NetFlix. After that, I was hooked. I went out and bought the first two seasons on DVD. Jessica decided that she liked it too. Since I have posted about this all before, I will fast forward to my point. Since I bought my Ipod, I have also gained access to ITunes. I guess you can access ITunes without an IPod, but you need to have access to Itunes in order to put music and other things to your Ipod from your computer. Basically, ITunes is a media player (you can play music, movies, pod casts, and TV shows using ITunes) but it also gives you a link to a media store. Once you sign up, you can buy and download all of the things previous mentioned to you IPod. I bought and downloaded Lost season three. OH-MY-GOODNESS!!!!! How good is that show getting?!?!? The one bad thing about the download from Itunes is that I either had to watch it on the IPod (a 3 or 4 inch screen) or on my computer and the computer screen kinda stretches out and makes the picture a bit jerky. Still, it doesn't take away from how good the episodes are. At first I thought that the show would make me angry because of all of the secrets and teasing, but I think that watching all of the shows in a short time took away that possible irritant. I learned secrets faster and if there was a cliff hanger ending for one show, I would just watch the next show right away. This will all change now since I need to start watching weekly, like normal people do. Still, Lost is on during a different show that we watch (Criminal Minds) but thanks to the lovely invention of DVR, I can record it and watch it on a different day while fast forwarding through the commercials. Isn't technology great? There was one 'episode' that was kinda interesting and kinda irritating. It was a show to catch up people with the show. Basically, a flash back show where they introduce the characters and update you on the basic plot. Usually, I hate these shows, but this on had a few neat insights. They talked about the 'Easter Eggs' or little secrets within the show. Like, when one character is linked to another character, but they don't know it, or throwing the numbers into an unexpected scene. One that was kinda neat was when Hugo was in the hatch drinking milk from a carton and Walt was on the carton as a 'missing person'. I thought it was crazy weird at first since Walt was missing, but then I remembered it was a dream of Hugo's. Oh well, the point of it all is that I am now caught up and can joint in all of the Lost conversations around the water cooler. Fun stuff. Jack and Claire? Who knew?


Anonymous said...

I am back on the lost kick. I tried not to watch it and did good for a while, but got sucked in again. The dumb part is the show is not all that great and has a few few bad actors like Charlie. But, still they keep you coming back for more. Oh in real life Charlie and Katie are/getting married. If that is true . . . why? But, I am judging them on their characters on not on real life. Then again they are little bit of the same.

Eric Rhodes said...

You think Charlie is a bad actor? He was Ha Hobbit in the Lord of the Rings movies, you know.

Woody! said...

DVR is great. It'll be interesting to see if your take changes now that you have to wait a week between episodes. Honestly, the rough patch was about this time last year where reruns would be scattered in between new ones, you'd never know whether or not to tune in or when the next new epsiode would be.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm a Hobbit? Yeah, I did not like The Lords of The Rings movies. I could not even make it through one of them.