Thursday, March 15, 2007

What to Post, What to Post

I don't know how Woody does it. It always seem that he has something new on his blog every day (I can't see the posts today Wood, so I don't know if you are having issues again. Maybe I am just barred from it, like so many other things in this world.). Sure, sometimes I am not really interested about some of the things he posts (like the Bengals and some of the TV shows he watches that I don't watch. No offense, Woody) but he always seems to have new and original content. Honestly, that impresses me. I try to post daily and I always try to post original items, but sometime (like today if you can't tell from this weak topic) I just can't think about anything to write about. I could tell you how I lost some money playing cards last night (shitty cards ALL night) but I thin I've milked the poker topic plenty. I know that half of my readers stop reading as soon as they see the words Buckeyes, OSU, Go Bucks, or any other sport related words, so posting about the NCAA tourney starting tonight for the Buckeyes would be pointless and irritating for some. I could post about my hobbies, but I don't really have many (other than the afore mentioned poker. I guess I could post about poo-ing. I got TONS of comments when poo came up in the comment section of a post a while back. Mona wanted to use it as a survey topic, so I left it alone. Maybe I'll take it back! What do you all think?
What is interesting? What is dull? What makes you read on and what makes you move on to the next blog?

One thing that I am excited about is this new movie called 300. It looks AWESOME!! This is definately NOT a chick flick. It looks like lots of violence will full this flick. It is based off of a Frank Miller graphic novel. If you saw the movie Sin City, that was also a Frank Miller deal. I thought that Sin City was a really neat. Maybe not the best acting or story line, but the imagry was great. I can sit through two hours of a crappy movie if the special effects and imagry are good. Not that Sin City was crappy, I liked it, it's just not an Oscar-type movie. Still, the sroty behing 300 (if you missed the thousands of commercials all over the place) is that there are 300 Spartans (bad-ass Roman-types. If you remember your Greek/Roman history, the Spatrans were the muscle of the area and were slaughtered by all of the other armies in the area because they were getting too strong and scary) fighting againts everyone else. I'm sure there is much more to the story than just the violence and war. Two bad-ass lines from the movie:

1. "This is where we fight. This is where they die."
2. "Our arrows will bot out the sun." "Then we shall fight in the shade."

I hope we can go see it tomorrow night.


Anonymous said...

Hmmmm what to comment about? I have to be honest and say that I don't read sports post. Except the OSU and mi game. I like reading about your family happenings and your daily life. That is what people talk about when they get together. Just because I don't post does not mean I don't read and appreciate the updates. If you want to get a good "conversation" going you can always post about anything debatable. From how to raise kids to political and social issues. I like talking / "posting" with people who have different views. I really appreciate hearing what others think. Why would I want to carry a "conversation" with someone that would say yes I agree all the time.

Eric Rhodes said...

Thanks for the feedback Amy. I wasn't really fishing for more comments on my daily posts, I honestly just didn't have anything on my mind to write about. At least until I remembered that I wanted to see 300 this weekend. Since my life really isn't too exciting, I don't have too many daily happenings to post about. I'm not really into politics, so that is kind of out. I guess I think GW should be kicked out of office for lying to the public. Anyway, I am getting off topic. Again, thanks for the feedback Amy.

Anonymous said...

Last night I watched VH1 top 40 dumbest celebrities comments (saw the last hour). GW had one quote where he was talking about malpractice suits and said something along the lines of There are OBGYN's out there that can't practice thier love with women. It was so funny to see the clip that I had tears. They said something about the top 40 being on their web site you should check it out. I am off topic too so I will check out your next post.