Friday, February 16, 2007

Lost in Lost

So, I finally caved to the input of several of my friends and started watching Lost. I resisted the show at first for a few reasons. Mostly, when Lost premired, it ran the same time as another show that I was already in to. The other reason was that I thought the show looked too far fetched for me to get into. A group of people survive a plane crash and end up on a deserted island? Come on. Anyway, back to the point. I added season one of Lost to my NetFlix list, got the first disk, and then after watching it, bought the entire first season on DVD. It's not that I loved the show right away, I just got into it and HAD to find out what was going to happen next. Now, I'm on disck one of season two.

The thing that I enjoy the most about the series Lost is how all of the characters are connected in some way or other. It's like Kevin Bacon. For example, Jack's wife being in the same car accident that killed Shannon's father. I also enjoy how they are slowly revealing secrets of the characters. Like Sun speaking English, Hugo being rich, and Locke formerly being paralized before he got on the island (that was the biggie).

I have to admit, in some ways I find Lost very frustrating. The way they give you tiny bits of information, just enough to keep you wanting more, is driving me a little crazy. Like The Hatch. They find it, and then it takes half of season 1 for them to get it open. Then you still don't learn what is inside until season 2. I am also having a little trouble with some of the things that are happening to these people. Like the polar bears and the invisible monster that snatches people up. I guess there are supposed to be weird things happening to these people, but I don't know that I would be able to accept some of these things and remain sane.

I have heard a few theories about Lost. One is that everyone is really dean and the island is some sort of purgatory or hell. I kinda like that theory, but don't think it's correct. These people have too many connections to each other from the 'real world' for all of the happenings to be a coincidence. Personally, I think that a lot of the things that have happened are linked to Walt. Things seem to happen when he wants them to or is thinking of something. Like, when he is reading a comic book with a polar bear and then there is a polar bear attack, or when Michael said he'd go look for the dog when it stopped raining and it immediately stops raining. I'm sure that Walt is psychic to some extent and think that, somehow, the island is amplifying it. Well, I'm WAY behind in the show, so I'm sure that alot of my ideas are old news. I just wanted to share. If you have any insight, please try to keep it limited to season one. I don't want any of the secrets spoiled for me.


Anonymous said...

I started to watch Lost and I gave it up this season. I got to pissed off at the writers and all the re runs. Watching it on DVD is the way to go. I did see a part of an episode last week. I was reading while Neal was watching it. I had a hard time keeping my focus on my book. It started to draw me back into it. I have to make sure I am not in the room to watch when it is on anymore. I refuse to watch it. Anyhow I have House as my show to watch along with old Law and Orders. I have to admit though Lost has a magical way of pulling you into the plot. I just wonder how they will end it. I have to stop thinking about it now or I AM going to start watching it again.

Woody! said...

Amy's right, seeing it on DVD is the way to go. Although, I really like this consecutive weeks without reruns that's going on right now. Your theories are good ones, but the writers have flat-out said that the island isn't purgatory or hell or whatever. The Walt theory was one I was on for a while. It's still possible, but there hasn't been a lot of new evidence to support that lately.

Anonymous said...

Dang you Eric! I am going to have to watch Lost on Wed. I have been thinking about more now!

Eric Rhodes said...

I figured that my theories were old news. That's what I get for starting the show so late. Still, I think I would go nuts if I had to wait weeks for new episodes. I'm in trouble after I am done with my season 2 DVDs. What season are they on now? 3? 4?

Woody! said...

They're on Season 3 now. And just because your theories are old, doesn't mean they're necessarily invalid.