Friday, March 02, 2007

Spring is in the Air

I think Spring is my favorite season of the year. The temperature is perfect, there are no bugs out yet, and plants start to bloom. Sure, the Summer is nice, warm, and sunny, but there are the bugs. Fall is nice too, what with the trees changing color, but there are still bugs. Do you get that I don't really like bugs? Winter is just too cold and dreary, and I always feel lathargic in the winter. Back to spring. At our old house, we had about ten years of overgrowth to deal with. The previous owner was elderly and couldn't really keep up with the yard work. It took the whole time that we lived there for me to get the yard under control. The house we are in now is more of a blank slate. The back yard was mostly all grass, except for a few pre-existing and nice flower beds. I've put in a garden and a few more flower beds. Still, I have a lot more that I want to do. There is an ugly bush on the side of our house that I want to dig up and some other plants that I want to get moved about. I've doubled the size of our vegetable garden and am planning on adding more flower beds. It's alot of work, but it can be fun. Especially when you get to see the results. My parents bought me a tiller for Christmas, so that will help with digging up the dirt. There is a great green house down the road from us, and I could easily spend several hundred dollars there. I just need to make sure that I don't bite off more thatn I can chew. I don't really have the time to do all of the things I really want to do. A few things that I definately want to add to the back are, Wisteria, a wheeping cherry tree, and perhaps a grape vine (for wine making). Our veggie garden will have tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, lettuce, spinach, green beans, and melons. I also grow herbs like rosemary, cilantro, basil, parsley, and dill. I need to make sure to add a small mesh fence all around the vegetable garden to keep the rabbits out. They liked the lettuce. One thing I need to do, and some advice if you are planning to start a garden, is plant my lettuce on different days. All of my lettuce was ready at the same time and some of it went bad before we could use it. The same goes for cucumbers, as they don't produce all summer long. Well, it's only a few more weeks until spring. If all goes well, when we have our cook out his year, you will get to enjoy all sorts of home grown goodies.


Anonymous said...

I am proud of you Eric for all your outdoor beautification! Especially the garden. I think everyone should try to be somewhat self efficient. We depend on the stores too much these days. I hope to raise our own meat and majority of veggies. We had a huge garden as a kid and I can't wait until I move and get get one going. We have a huge back yard now well at least for living in town that is, but a garden would not really fit in with the area. So when are you going to start canning and freezing? You are going to have another AW cook out? Awesome. But, don't have it in August. I am due on the 26th and I don't think I should be traveling to Columbus in case I go into labor early. Beside Neal would get annoyed with my having to stop every 40 minutes to pee on the way. Oh I also just love weeping Cherry trees.

Eric Rhodes said...

Amy, it is more the love of fresh veggies than it is my being self sufficient. Yes, I enjoy gardening, but have you ever tried a fresh tomatoe compared to one you get at a store? It's like, apples and paper wads. The store bought stuff just does not taste as good.

Knocked up again eh? Congrats! Hoping for a boy or a girl? I never cared as long as they were healthy. I'm nt too sure when our cookout will be. I try to do one every year. I just never thought of enviting AWHS peeps. I'm thinking July, maybe.

Anonymous said...

I don't even bother buying tomatoes in the stores.

I would like to have a boy for certain reasons and I would like to have a girl for certain reasons so whatever we get I will be happy!