Sunday, December 18, 2005

Places I want to go

Jessica and I have never really been on a vacation together. I suppose that we went to Las Vegas to get married, which was a lot of fun, but we have not done any vacations just to go on vacation. Mostly because we have no money, but also because we don't have time off together. We work opposite days so that we can watch the kids. We are wanting to take trips, it just doesn't happen. Well, if we ever do get the chance, here is a list of the places I want to visit:

1. Someplace warm when Ohio is under a foot of snow, like Puerto Rico, or Jamaica. I want to be able to sport my Speedo thong and not feel a bit chilly. I also want to be able to look into the ocean water and be able to see the bottom. I'm sick of Ohio lakes where the water is murkey and gross.

2. A Disney park. You know. For the kids. I've been to both Disneyland and World. I don't remember much of either, but I would mostly want to go so that the kids would be able to have a good time. Also, some of Jessica's family live out in CA, so we could make an event of it all.

3. Europe. I'm not sure where in Europe, but I could probably use Heather's blog as a guide. She and Paul have gone to a lot of neat places. Honestly, I rarely check her posts because I get jealous. I would probably try to stay in English speaking areas. I'd totally have to hang out with some soccer huligans though. If you aren't a Manc, you're a wank.

4. Las Vegas. Yes, I've been there, but we didn't really get to experience everything that we wanted to. I want to go to a real show (we went to a free one) and I want to go when it's warm so that we can hang out at the pool. Plus, I want to be able to gamble a bit more than we did. I'd love to get into a poker game, but doubt I'd be able to afford it. It would also be fun to check out a club. I'd feel out of place, but it would be a cool experience.

5. New Orleans. I put a question mark here after the hurricanes ruined the city a bit. Plus, I've been there twice. I was able to experience Burbon St. but none of the historical buildings or cemetaries. Jessica likes haunted things, so we'd maybe check out the haunted spots.

6. Canada. I've been to Niagra falls and Toronto as a kid and I want to go back. The Falls were neat. We also went to a park called Marine Land. It was like Cedar Point meets Sea World. It has a crazy roller coaster that scared the shit out of me. Of course I was only 8 or 9.

7. NYC. New York kinda scares me because of the sheer size of it. I'd like to go and see the sights though. Plus, I need to try out for Who Wants to be a Millionaire. I always get up to the $25000 question without needing lifelines. I kick ass at that game from my couch.

8. An OSU bowl game. I've been to four, but while in the band. I had obligations and couldn't go where I wanted when I wanted. The Rose Bowl would be cool. Or, if the Sugar Bowl ever gets back to New Orleans, I could take care of #5 on the list.

9. The Grand Canyon. Actually, any National landmark or tourist attraction. I'd like to go to Alaska some day too.

10. A cruise. Disney has a cruise line that has a kid's area that watched the children while you go have fun. That could be neat.

11. Local attractions. Cincinatti, Cleveland, the Old Man's Caves in Hocking Hills, Cedar Point, Kings Island, Amish Country.

12. Along the sporting line, I would like to go to a NCAA basketball tournament some day. Final Four would be cool. Maybe OSU will get the tournament soon.


Eric Rhodes said...

I think my parents are going on a AK cruise this next summer. I myself am too poor to afford such a venture at the moment. You should really be on your state's tourism committee.

Anonymous said...

Thank you :) you should look at this emo boy one over this blog: