Friday, December 30, 2005

Shows I'd watch

As you may or may not know, I am a fan of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer TV series. True, that may make me a bit girly, but I am not a member of the fan club or anything. I loved the movie with Kristy Swanson and Pee Wee Herman. I think a guy from 90210 was in it too. Pee Wee's death scene was priceless. Anyway, as it often happens, Buffy was in a bad time slot for me, so I did not see all of the shows as they aired. My solution, DVDs. I own seasons 1-7. I think it was a good thing that the show was ended. The plots were getting a bit weak and there is only so much Sara Michelle Gellar that one can take. Seriously though. The show was entertaining and fun to watch. I think I may start at the beginning and watch them all in order again soon. I just need to get seasons 1 and 2 back from Amy. Anyway, back to subject. I think that Buffy needed to end, but there are a TON of spin offs that they could persue based off of the Buffy story. Sure, there is Angel, which is over and done with now (I never got into Angel too much), but there are other characters that deserve a shot at a series. Here are my ideas:

1. Willow - She is one of my favorites from the Buffy series. She is a powerful witch (and a lesbian) and I think that it would be entertaining to see where she goes after leaving Sunnydale. I guess there is already a successful witch show out there (Charmed) but I think that this would work. Certainly better than the terrible sit-com that Allison Hannigan ended up on. There could be different temptations for Willow to go to dark magic and things like that. Oz could join up every once in a while and Willow could keep her hottie slayer girlfriend. I'd watch.

2. The Watchers - Giles would be in this one. It could go into more detail about the mysterious Watchers that tended to hinder Buffy more than help her. This one may not be as good as the one with Willow, but it could be interesting.

3. The Slayers - In case you haven't seen all of the Buffy series, I am going to ruin the ending for STOP READING unless you want to read how it all ended!! Since Willow and Buffy made it so that all potential Slayers get their Slayer powers all at once, there are now many teenaged and pre-teen girls out there with bad ass powers and no idea what is going on. The remaining Slayers from the Buffy series could travel around and recruit/trian these new Slayers in the ways of ass kicking demons. Just because Sunnydale is gone, doesn't mean that the vampires and demons around the world are all gone. I think that this has the best potential for a strong, ongoing series. Willow could also be in this show since she is dating one of the Slayers. Buffy coulf pop in every once in a while when SMG realizes that her movie carreer is going nowhere and she needs some extra cash. They could get a cool black van, like in the A-Team.


Woody! said...

Apparently, they kept trying to make a Giles centered show called "Ripper" for the BBC but that never took off. I do think a "Willow" spin-off would have been best. I do disagree, though, that show she's on now is pretty good. They may not use her as much as they should but I saw one that made me laugh pretty good.

I think the most realistic spin-off would actually only be a made-for-TV movie. The name I hear the most often is Spike. But I'll believe it when I see it.

Happy New Year!

Eric Rhodes said...

Well, I guess I never actually saw the show that Alison Hannigan is on. I just saw commercials that looked terrible.

I thought of Spike too, but thought that would be too much like Angel. Especially since Spike was on the Angle show for a while. I do like Spike better than Angel though. He's less whiney.