Thursday, December 01, 2005

Media Whores

Sorry Woody, but I'm about to bash your profession a bit. Nothing personal....

I don't know if everyone is aware (for those of you that don't live in Columbus) but the daughter of OSU band director, John Woods, was murdered in New York city last weekend. Tragic for any parent to find out that their daughter was killed, but this also touches home for me because I was in the OSU Marching Band and knew Dr. Woods. I even had seen his daughter a few times on the sidelines during games and on Bowl trips. Of course, she was only young teen at the time, and I never talked to her, but I was aware of who she was. I have to say, this is the first time that anyone that I knew (even if just romotely) was murdered. I saw her picture on the news and could see the little girl I remember from ten years ago. Now, I probably won't send flowers or attend the memorial, I am the kind of person that feels that family and friends of the deceased should have their privacy when mourning, but I caetainly feel badly for Dr. Woods and his family. One of the worst things in the world happened to them, they lost a child. I could not even imagine what that would be like.

I am calling this post 'Media Whores' because it sickens me how stories like this are treated in the media. I understand that it is their jobs to report the news and, at least locally, the death of the OSU band director is news. However, the media does not need to confront Dr. Woods to ask him how he feels. How do you think he feels? Happy? NO! His daughter was killed. Then, on top of the death of his daughter, the media needs to point out that, while she was attempting to become a Broadway performer, she was currently working at a strip club. Why do they need to make a big deal of that? Sure it raises an eyebrow at the situation, but the reportes don't need to ask Dr. Woods about that aspect of the situation. What if he did not know about that aspect of her life. How would you like to learn that your child was a stripper and have that fact broadcast around the state? Maybe she was broke and facing eviction and needed to get cash fast. And then some reporter gets in your face and asks you about it? I would deck the guy. Now, I heard on the radio that the title of the story that comes across on the AP wire has changed from 'OSU Band Director Killed' to 'Stripper Killed'. It really makes you think about how much the media dehumanizes people. I guess it is a society problem these days. It is a lot easier to hear reports on TV or on the radio that say 'stripper killed' instead of 'daughter of Dr. John R Woods, director of the OSU marching band and public figure that has given years of his life to his school and society and has touched the life of thousands of students and people across the state and country, was brutally and senselessly murdered'. Sorry. I don't mean to preach, but I can't help but feel angry since I know Dr. Woods. I also can't help but feel angry because I am a father and if someone were to reduce my children to a headline, I would feel pretty angry. I guess it's the public's fault because people seem to eat up headlines like this like candy. I mean, look at Jerry Springer. Would he have a career if people weren't depraved enough to watch about sexually active teen hermaprodites that want to get pregnant? Again, I don't mean to preach. I know that the media is doing their job and I respect that. I just get a little upset when a tragic story is turned into something that it's not just to gain more ratings.

1 comment:

Mona said...

It is infuriating how the media treats these types of issues. I question our society surrounding this type of thing all the time. It's as though a "story" doesn't count unless it's made dramatic and exciting. As though they are competing with Reality TV and all that BS. It's gross, really. Everything is outta whack anymore - trying to appeal to the masses through a variety of tactics to further our consumer-society. You see it everywhere; news, commercials, politics, etc...

Sorry to hear about the sad situation. And I understand your frustration and anger with the thoughtless way it's being treated by the media.