Thursday, December 29, 2005

Battlestar Galactica 2. whoa

Merry belated Chrismahanaquanzica everyone! I hope everyone has a good time with friends and family. We were able to get all of our family visiting done in one weekend. It was nice because we usually have to spread things out over a few weeks. We saw Jessica's dad on Christmas eve, her mom and grandma, and then her aunt and grandpa, on Christmas, and finally my parents, brother, aunt, uncle, cousin, and grandma the day after Christmas. It was alot of driving and visiting with family, but I was glad to get it done in a few days instead of a few weeks or a month. We all had fun and the kids were happy with their presents. Gabriel kept opening everyone else's presents for them. They let him, of course. He's so funny some times.

Well, I found BSG 2.0. I bought it for the kids to give it to me for Christmas. I watched alreadyand all I can say is wow! It is such a great show. It is a terrific mix of a new, original show and the story from the old school TV series. If you never watched the old show, the effects were typical for the era, the acting wasn't great and the story was cheesey at times. The base story was the same, the Cylons attacked and killed all humans except for a 'fleet of rag-tag ships' and one Battlestar. Some of the trials and tribulations are similar, they look for water in both series and Cylons were always popping up and attacking. The differences lie in the quality of the acting and improved effects and story writing. I highly recommend this series. Buy the DVDs. I've watched the first season three times already and plan on watching 2.0 several times as well. New episodes start in January.

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