Thursday, December 15, 2005

random thoughts

So you are thinking, 'Aren't all of your thoughts random, Eric?' The answer is, 'Yes, they are.' But usually when I post, I have a specific topic. Ok, not really. Step off.

Comments: I am curious as to why I don't get many comments on my posts. I guess my posts aren't too interesting. I thought I'd get more than I did on my 'Boobies' post. The only one I got was for my 'Media Whore' post a while back. I guess I can't complain too much. I look at other people's blogs and their comments a are rare as mine. I'm not going to get down about it. I like posting on my blog. Woody has a much more interesting blog that I do, and there are times when he doesn't get comments other than for his quote game. I myself am guilty of checking posts and not commenting. Well, when I look at my site meter, and people are at least looking at my blog, so that makes me happy. I just need to step up my game and make things more interesting, I guess.

Bowling: As you may know, I am in a men's bowling league. It is split into two halves, 13 games each half and one last week to determine the champion (27 weeks total). We are at our last week of the first half and my team is dead last. It is frustrating because I am bowling better than I have in a long time. I am currently carrying a 180+ average. I think I had a 190 once, but it was only for a few weeks. The cause of our woes seems to be that people bowling us are always have a good game and just edge us out. We've propably lost about 15-20 games by less than 30 pins. Last week we lost one by 2. I could have tied it if I srtuck out in the tenth frame, but I only managed two strikes and an 8. Well, at least there are two halves, so we have a chance in the long run.

Poker: I played some Texas Hold'em last Friday. I had my ass handed to me. Not because I play poorly, I just didn't get any good cards. When I did get two cards, I'd play, but would get beat. For example, I had a flush in one had and my buddy beat me with a bigger flush. It's rare that two people hit a flush in Texas Hold'em.
I have a poker plug and play game that is pretty fun. I play in the tournaments. I win sometimes, but I think that the computer cheats a bit. It's certainly geared up so that multiple players get good hands more than should happen. I am playing in a tournament on Friday that I am pretty excited about. I should do ok if I can stay in my game plan. The hard part is playing with people that you don't know. You need to learn tells and figure out how they play. It can be tough. I just need to stay in control of myself and not gamble too much. If I wait for the cards to come, I am confident that I should do well.

SOAD: System of a Down is probably the most origional hard rock band that I have heard in years. Most of the new groups all sound like clones of each other. SOAD kicks all of their asses. The music is good, the lyrics are origonal and often make a statement. I highly suggest buying Hypnotize and Mesmerize, their latest CDs. Hypnotize is probably the better of the two. If I have any complaint about the group, it's that they usually have one or two weird songs per CD that I could do without. The rest of the music more than makes up for these odd songs.


Herb said...

This may be considered a pity comment but hey, it's a comment.

I understand your pain but hey, your thoughts are randomly specific.

Much like this comment.

Keep up the random thoughts...mind you the last post was a bit out there and ashamed as I am of did make me laugh, stop, laugh some more, then think...mmmmmmmmmmm

Eric Rhodes said...

Well, part of the goal of the boobie post was to create laughs. To be clear, I meant no disrespect to any of the ladies out there. Also, I don't want 'pity comments'. I was just making an observation about my blog. Really, I'm just glad that people have read my blog and then thought that it wasn't so dumb that they would start a petition to have the blog removed. Thanks for the comment Herb.

Herb said...

Can you actually petition to have a blog removed? If so, I'm going to start one to remove my own!!

It's lunacy, but it could be fun.

Eric Rhodes said...

Yeah Leila, if women didn't want men to look at their boobs, they'd wear bulky sweat shirts all the time. Those that say, "I dress sexy for me".....bullshit. I agree though, to ogle is wrong. That's why I only ogle when it's someone I don't know. Kidding! I really try not to ogle.

Herb, I'll sign that petition.