Friday, December 02, 2005

Highschool Pictures

Lucky chair. So, in the spirit of Mona's blog, I went though and found a few more pictures to put up from my highschool years. The first is Amy and Mona in a chair at my parents house. That's hot. The second is from our senior year band banquet. McNutt was so little. He's the guy we were holding. It's funny how much, and how little we've all changed through the year.


Mona said...

Awww! How cute! I'm definitely saving the pic of Amy and I. I need to email that to her. And the one of you and the guys is funny! *sigh* I miss the good ol' days. Thanks for the groovy pics. You should put up some more. I have more I plan on scanning, too. :)

Eric Rhodes said...

I have more to put up too. I just didn't want to put to many up at once. I need to keep people coming back for more.

Woody! said...

I think I had a similar picture of us at the band dinner, but hadn't seen the Mona & Amy one before. Looking back at my old pictures, it occurs to me that some things haven't changed. I took shitty pictures then and I still take blurry and out of focus ones now. Thank God for digital photography, though.