Thursday, March 13, 2008

NetFlix woes

I am running out of NetFlix ideas again. It's my fault, really. I had all six season of Scrubs lined up, but I decided that I liked it so much that I went out and bought them all. Best Buy had them for $20 each. I can't resist a good deal. Plus, Scrubs makes me laugh out loud and I knew Jessica wanted to see it too. I guess I have a few things in my queue still, 11 to be exact. Five movies and the first season of Prison Break. I never really wanted to watch Prison Break, the concept seemed dumb, but my friend Jesse said I should give it a shot. Really though, how much can you do with the story line of breaking out of a jail? Then, they get stuck in another jail. I will keep an open mind. The five movies I have lined up are:

Beowulf: I don't really like the whole "cartoon based off of real people's images" concept, but the movie looked OK.

American Ganster: I hear it is really good.

Michael Clayton: ditto above

Mad Max: an oldie but a goodie

Grindhouse: Planet Terror: Looked silly in the trailers, but I saw Deathproof and it was really entertaining. I figured I'd give the other 'Grindhouse' film a shot.

So, when I am done with these movies and Prison Break, I am out of movie ideas. I guess I watch too many for my own good. Another thing is that my DVD burner has pooped out on me. I guess I just have to buy them now if I want to keep the movie.


Woody! said...

I'm on a big LOST kick right now so I'd suggest catching up on that on DVD. Netflix seems like a great way to go through TV shows on DVD. If I had that service, I bet I would go that route more than actual movies.

Eric Rhodes said...

I usually do watch more TV than movies with my NetFlix. It is great.