Saturday, March 15, 2008

Good Night Bad Morning

I played me some cards last night. I did pretty well, ending up with $120 more than I started with. :-) The night started out slow, with my losing $50, but I turned things around, started playing smarter, and began hitting hands. The hand of the night was a Royal Flush (A, K, Q, J, 10 of clubs) and unfortunately it was against me. Still, it only cost me $10. What sucked is that I started the hand with two pair (AA and 10 10). Oh well. A great hand like that is rare. The ride home was interesting, what with the pea soup fog and barely able to see five feet in front of my car.

This morning was rough, waking up after four hours of sleep. Coffee is good. It was bad because, apparently, we have vandals in the neighborhood. Several of the mail boxes in the area have been knocked down. Boo. I must say though, I am proud of my workmanship. I put up a new mail box post this summer and my mail box is NOT knocked down. It is at an angle, but not knocked down. Hoodlems SUCK.


Bryan said...

Put a steal beam in it. See if they come back ;)

Eric Rhodes said...

my thoughts too. Unfortunately, I think that they just made the whole post move. If they can move a 4x4 in concrete, I fear a steal beam wouldn't help. My guess is that they pulled it or hit it with a car. The other mailboxes had broken posts.