Monday, March 03, 2008

To MySpace or Not to MySpace

I have a MySpace account. I never use it, have never really done anything with it, and was suprised when I already had friend requests. Granted, they were all friend requests from porn sites or dating services, not real people, but I was still suprised, considering I have really done nothing with the account. I am really on my fence a bit as to whether or not I want to do anything with the account. It has been open since September. I put all of my pictures on Flickr and all of my bloggin' here, so do I really need a MySpace page? I guess if I want to become a sexual preditor, it is the way to go (I am SO joking about that). Is there really anything that is better about MySpace, as opposed to Blogger?

I don't think I am a fan of MySpace. Not necessarily as a user, but as a parent. As you may or may not know, teens LOVE myspace. They get to act all big and important in the non-parental-supervised world of the internet. Noah has a MySpace page. It is a little funny how kids try to act all bad-ass. Still I digress. Although I do not think any perverts have contacted Noah, his biologocal father's family has. We are not thrilled about this. I guess it was inevitable, but MySpace gave these people an opening into our lives that is shady and cowardly. They owe us THOSDANDS of dollars in child support and have never been involved in Noah's life (no birthday presents, no Christmas presents, etc). I say it is shady and cowardly because they are bypassing us to get to him. We are not forbiding the contact, but we told Noah to watch out and not to give them any personal information. He is acting all excited about the whole 'new family' idea, but I don't think he is thinking about the fact that these people have never really tried to be in his life for 14 years. I don't think they should be able to visit even see him until they are paid up in child support. WOW!!! Did I get of the subject!

I guess I may play around with my MySpace page, but not too much. I will add a link to my blog if I ever set up the page.


Woody! said...

Yeah, I've got a MySpace account for years and never knew what to do with it. I hate going there because the ads are out of control and crash my browser half the time. Facebook is more fun, doesn't crash, and has more fun timekillers.

You're right, adding MySpace and kids together is a recipe for disaster.

Anonymous said...

I have a myspace and a facebook....I don't use myspace that much, but most of my contacts on myspace are people who do not have a facebook account, soooo....I will keep it. I log into Facebook's cooler.

Anonymous said...

Facebook is so much better than MySpace. I have accounts on both, but almost never check the MySpace one. I don't know how much control you want to exercise over Noah, but if safety is a concern, you can block users on both sites.