Monday, August 29, 2005

T minus 6 days and counting

That's right. Six days until we move to our new house. Lots to do, lots to do. Jessica's dad was kind enough to take the kids for a few hours so that we could get busy on packing without the drama that is children. We have noah's room 100% packed, Gabriel's room 90% packed, and the rest of the house probably 70% packed. The basement has been my current project. All I need to do now is pack up my computer stuff, which thanks to my new blog addiction, will be one of the last things packed. Of course, I need to take it to the new place and set it up first thing since Time Warner Cable is coming to hook up cable, Road Runner, and our new phone services. I'll need to ask the tech if I need to call a number to get 911 activaged, because I heard that some cable phone systems do not include emergency numbers unless you activate them. I also emptied one of our storage places and moved everything out of it and into our garage. That way the movers can get some of the furniture that we had stored moved instead of me doing it. I also emptied out my garden shed and put everything in the garage. Fun stuff. This coming Saturday, the first wave will be taking paint, the afore mentioned computer, and as much other stuff over and then starting painting. We have a Barney purple dining room that just has to go. Jessica's mom, dad,and her friend from work, will be helping out with the painting. I am hoping to get all of the little stuff moved first, before the movers come for the furniture on Sunday. We have our actual closing on both houses this Tuesday. I am a bit paranoid because I am not 100% sure we will have enough money for both closings. I think we do, but it all depends on what we will have to pay for selling out house. That's right. We have to pay for this fucker to buy our house. If you ever sell you house, I hope that you will be in a neighborhood that is growing and has increasing property value. We are not in one of those neighborhoods. Our street is nice, but the area we are in is on a decline thanks to the getto apartments that are down the street. We were lucky to get as much as we did for our house. Other houses in the area are selling for $30,000 less. Well, I sure that you all are sick and tired of hearing about my house selling and moving ordeals. I know that I can't wait for this all to be over with. I really hope that I never have to move again. If you ever do buy a house, use my realtors. Thay are great. They went above and beyond to find us the perfect house and to sell the house we are in. There is a link on my blog site, so check them out.

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