Saturday, August 13, 2005

21 days 'till we move!

I can't believe that we are moving in just three weeks. It is amazing how time flies when you have a shit load of stuff to do. Believe it or not, we have a majority of the packing done. There is a pile of filled boxes (marked with room destinations) in out basement. Most of the rest of the things to pack are last minute items.

Jessica and I watched Guess who last night. It has Bernie Mac and Kelso (Ashton Kutcher). It's about a mixed couple going to visit the girls black family, only she didn't tell her family that she's dating a white guy. Hilarity insues. Actually, there were only a few good laughs in the film, and it played to a lot of steriotypes that are out there in regard to black folks. It does have a pretty good message about society though: After all of this time, people still freak out about mixed couples. That's just silly. People are attracted to whomever they're attracted to. I've been in a few mixed relationships (nothing that lasted too long or was too public)and I don't get what the big deal is. It's almost the same concept as gay relationships. If someone is happy with a member of their own sex, WHO CARES?!? My opinion is that if it makes you happy, do it. It may not be something that I would do personally, but I don't see any harm in any two people finding happiness together. Anyway, I got of topic, sorta. The movie was pretty good. Kelso did his usual bang up job of playing a pretty but dumb guy and Bernie Mac is always funny. There is a good ilne in the movie (dont' read further if yo don't want the line spoiled) when Bernie taked Kelso to a hotel to stay in and Kelso learns that the room had been booked a week in advance. Kelso says "you knew you were going to book this room a week ago?" and Bernie says, "I knew I was going to book this room 24 years ago when I had a little girl." That is so like me. I give the movie a B-.

Ok, you can start reading again.

So, now that I've finished reading 'The Half Blood Prince', I am re-reading Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. I am doing so in preparation for the upcoming movie in November. We watched Extra last night because they were showing clips from the film. It looks neat. We will definately have to go and see it when it comes out. The Goblet of Fire is where the book series really takes off. The first three books are good, don't get me wrong, but Goblet is where things turn dark and is jammed packed with action. The thing that worries me about the movie is that they may not be able to fit all of the action in from the book. Really, it will need to be about four hours long to fit everything. I had heard some talk that there may be two movies, part one and part two, shown back to back so that people can have a potty break. I doubt that though. They will probably just cut alot of stuff so that they can keep it around three hours. That's going to be hard to do with everything that happens.

So, I am going to try to win System of a Down tickets today. I was going to buy them, but I just can't justify paying that much money to see a band play. After taxes and Ticketmaster's charges, it probably would have been about $100 for the pair. I don't have that much to spare at the moment. So, I am going to listen to the local radio station that is sponsoring the show and see if I can't win a pair. They are actually having a contest to win tickets, so it's not like I'm just listening and hoping that they will give them away out of the blue. They are giving a pair away every hour. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Eric Rhodes said...

Damn! Caller number 3. They are asking for number 9. No tickets this time.