Friday, August 26, 2005

System of a Down kicks ass

Now, there are two different types of music groups that I would call 'favorites'. The first group is the All Time Favorites. These bands are the ones that you don't necessarily listed to every day, but will always buy a new CD when it comes out or turn up the radio when any of their songs come one. For me, these groups are:
1. Rush - Probably the most talented three musicians that have ever formed a group. I have every single album ever released by Rush (at least the US releases)
2. Pink Floyd - The Wall, enough said
3. Led Zepplin - It's too bad their drummer died young. Who know how many other great albums this band could have put out...
4. Korn - you may raise an eyebrow at this, but they have a very origional sound and great intensity
5. System of a Down - The new addition. More later.

The other caregory is One time Favorites. These are the groups that are a current day fad that you eventually grow out of. One Time Favorites of mine:
1. Pearl Jam - I'm so sick of Pearl Jam now that I immediately change the channel if they come one the radio.
2. Creed - Can they make a song that doesn't sound like every other song they've released?
3. Live - Their first and second albums were great. After that, it's like they forgot how to rock.
4. Sound Garden/Chris Cornell - Have you ever counted how many times the lyrics 'black hole sun' are whined in that song? Too many. Chris's new group is pretty weak too.
5. The artist formerly known as Prince. KIDDING!! I just wanted to make sure you were paying attention. I did own the Batman sound track though. 100% Prince music. Then I grew up.

Those are just a few examples. I could go on, but who has the time? Back to the band of topic: System of a Down. I first discovered them when Chop Suey was played on the radio. I wasn't sure how to take them at first, but eventually bought Toxicity. There are a few songs on the CD that I tend to skip over when I listen to it, but in general, Toxicity is a great album full of intensity and powerful music and lyrics. Chop Suey, Toxicity, and Ariels are all great songs off of Toxicity. SOAD is a fairly political group and aren't afraid to express their views in their lyrics. Prison Song and Deer Dance are good examples of this. Hungry for more System of a Down, I went and bought their first, self titles album. It is much heavier that Toxicity and it isobvious that there was much growth of the band musially between the two albums. I'm not saying System of a Down is a bad CD, but Toxicity is just that much better as far as the musicality goes. It's only natural that a group grows and evolves from album to album. Songs to listen to on the debut album are Spiders, Sugar, and Suite Pee. The group then took their time with thier third album, Steal this Album! There were a couple different CD packages and the one I got looks like a CD that someone would have burned for you and doesn't have a insert on the front of the case. This CD continues to show how much System of a Down is growing as a band. Their songs are filled with intesnsity and intricate musical composition. You may think, "whatever, they're just a heavy metal band," but I say this, anyone can pick up musical instruments and make loud noises that can make your ears hurt. System of a Down is a well above bands that are just loud and play the same three cords in every song. There are too many good songs on Steal This Album to list. Finally, after way too long, Mezmerize came out this year. The first listen through scared me a little bit because it was different than everything else that SOAD has released. It was obvious that it was System of a Down because of their unique voices and musicality, but some of the lyrics can take you off guard a bit. Of course, BYOB is their big release from Mezmerize, but almost every other song on the album kicks just as much ass. I highly recommend this album. Revenga, Cigaro, Question!, Sad Statue,....all great. They actually have another album coming out this November called Hypnotize. It is part two of Mezmerize. Not too sure why they are releasing them separately, but they are. I really want to go see them in concert, but am having trouble finding anyone to go with. Anyone interested? The Mars Volta is opening for them. Plus, tickets to the show get you into the 'BLITZ Bash', the Local radio station's annual party. Sept 25th.

1 comment:

Eric Rhodes said...

Well, I went ahead and bought two tickets to see System of a Down on the 25th of September. I probably shouldn't have, since I am needing money for our house closing on Tuesday, but that's why they invented credit cards. Suprisingly, the seats aren't too bad. I figured that they'd be close to selling out by now, but the tickets are in the section right next to the stage on the lower bowl. I figured if I didn't get tickets, I'd hate myself for not allowing myself to experince SOAD in person. I'll probably be the oldest guy there, but screw it. Hopfully Jessica will want to go or I will have to find someone to come with me.