Thursday, August 25, 2005

My day off.

Lately, he kids have been so high maintenence that Jessica and I have been calling our days at work our 'days off'. It's not Alydia, it's the boys. Mostly, Noah. He is bored (mostly because he'd rather sit on his ass than go outside and do something) so he's finding entertainment by picking on Gabriel. Yes, it is normal for brothers to pick on each other, but it is different when one is 11 and the other is 3. Thankfully, summer is almost over and Noah will be back to school. Anyway, I was off of work yesterday and staying home with the kids. Gabriel was at day care (we let him go once a week still. he likes it) and Noah went over to play with a kid across the street. Let me just say, that being almost alone (Alydia was still there) was great. I enjoy being with the kids, but a day of relative quiet was very nice. I didn't do anything different, but by not having to yell at the big kids at all, the enjoyment of my daily activities was increased immensely. I just want to say good luck to Amy, who is expecting her first child. It's alot of fun when they are small and cute, but as they get older, it gets harder.

I received a call from my realtor yesterday. Immediately I think 'now what's wrong?'. It turns out that the guy that is buying our house can't make it to our scheduled closing time of 12:00 noon on Tuesday the 30th. He claims that he can't get off of work. Now, he works for Nationwide. I too work for Nationwide. It is SO easy for me to take a long lunch if I need to. I can stay late to make up the time or use some time off. Piece of cake. I just think that this guy doesn't want to meet us because of how he is screwing us over. The closingplace wanted us to pre-sign on Friday or Monday and then the guy buying our house would sign asfer he gets off work. Sorry. No. We are not going to change our plans so that this guy doesn't have to be inconvenienced. So, we are still going in on Tuesday at noon to sign everything and the buyer will sign everything later. We are totally not cleaning anything for him. He has been such a pain iin our ass that I'm not doing anything more for him that what I absolutely have to do. I'll sweep up atleast, but that's about it. I'm sure that since my mom will be down watching the kids, she will probable have the house spotless by the time we're out. She has a bit of OCD when it comes to cleaning. Oh, by the way, we're moving in ten days.

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