Friday, February 27, 2009

A Sci Fi Summer

OK. I admit it. I am a sci-fi geek. I am not as bad as some people who may dress up in Star Wars garb, but I enjoy sci-fi TV, movies, and books. The next few months are looking to have some high quality sci-fi movies coming out. I am looking forward to:

Star Trek: JJ Abrams is taking a crack at the Star Trek franchise. The trailers look great. I just hope Sylar as Spock does not cause too much of a distraction for me. Due out May 8th

Watchmen: I have to be honest, I don't know much about this comic book/ graphic novel. However, the trailers look terrific. The effects look good and the story line sounds intriguing. The TV has been flooded with Watchmen trailers, so I hope it is not one of this movies that sucks beyond the trailers.

X-Men Origins: Wolverine: Wolvie is my favorite X-man. I am not totally in love with Hugh Jackman and Wolverine, but the trailers I saw for the movie so far look good. Anyway, It is about Wolverine origins, which is always interesting. It looks like they are trying to make out Wolverine and Sabretooth as brothers or something. We'll see how they adapt this story to film.

Terminator Salvation : I've like the Terminator seeries since the beginning and really like the TV show (Sarah Connor Chronicles) so I was pretty psyched about Salvation. I think Christian Bale is John Connor (also plays Batman). I like him, but am not really a fan of one actor taking on more than one major icon in movies. Much like I am not thrilled about Syler and Spock being the same actor. Still, Salvation is about the story after Judgement Day. The machines are running amuck and the human resistance is starting to fight back.

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince - What do I need to say about this? If you haven't read the book, DO IT!!!

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen - Michael Bay again. Ungh. I liked the first movie, but am not looking forward to Revenge of the Fallen. I guess I will watch it, but the trailer I saw looked like a bad Roger Rabbit knock off. You remember Roger Rabbit? The live action mobie with cartoons added in? Well, the Transformers trailer I saw looked like a cartoon with real people thrown in the mix. I don't mean ILM kick ass animation, I mean old school cartoons with prople thrown in. It may suck.

I want to catch all of these in the theater. Terminator can wait until DVD, but I think that the rest should be seen on the big screen. What else do I need to see this summer?

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