Friday, February 13, 2009

Posting Pics

I added some new pictures to my Flickr site. There are some of my team's bowling shirts. We wore them last night to some pretty good reactions. Some of the other teams made fun a little because we were all wearing the same thing, but I think they were just jealous. Some strangers, including a VERY cute girl, said they liked them. We didn't bowl great, but the shirts added some fun to the evening.

There are a few pictures of my completed poker table online too. I was really suprised at how relatively easy ti was to put together. I would say, all in all, the production too about five hours and cost me a little over $200. I took some crap last night from my poker buddies about how I made a Barney table. I think that the purple felt looks good. "Tight" I think the kids are saying these days.

There are also pictures from Gabe's birthday. It seems like all of the pictures of Gabe show him making weird faces or closing his eyes. He had a good time though. Oh and cute pictures of Ally. No, not cute....adorable! And here's Ally and Noah with Brutus. I think Gabe finds people in suits, like Brutus and Mickey Mouse, a bit creepy. Ge was a little leary of Brutus and steared clear of Goofy when we were at Disney.

Anyway, enjoy!

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