Saturday, November 17, 2007

Game Time

Today is the day. The Game. OSU vs. M*ch*g*n. This game has lost a little bit of it's mistique after both teams lost their games last week. It will still be for the Big Ten Title and the winner will likely go to the Rose Bowl, but Ohio State's chances of going to the National Title game with a win over the Blue has gone into the toilet. The toilet hasn't flushed yet, but five more teams would need to lose in order for the Buckeyes to be considered in the National picture. Honestly, I am not concerned with that. Right now, all that matters is a major ass kicking to be laid upon the Wolverweenies.

Last night I watched a special on HBO about the Rilvary. It was an hour long show about how the rilvary started and where the hatred came from. It was amazing some of the comments from fans on both side of the border. I am bad with names, but a news anchor from one of the networks said something about how people from Ohio weren't as intellegent as those from M*ch*g*n. I never watched his broadcasts. Another good comment from a M*ch*g*n alumi came from a football player (I forget who, but I think he does NFL commentary now) said that he has started talking Tressel up to all of the NFL teams. "We gotta get that guy out of there." Tress has owned the Wolverweenies, only losing one game. Another great quote came from an ex-OSU player, "It smells like hot dog water (up there)."

The special went back to the 1800s when Toledo was a disputed territory between the Ohio and M*ch*g*n border. That's right Toledo-born readers. We were close to being born in M*ch*g*n. How would my perceptions have changed? My love of OSU is based on my being born in Ohio. If the dispute would have gone the other way, would I have gone to scUM? Would I be wearing maize and blue instead of scarlet and gray? The game started with scUM owning the game with something like 14 or 15 wins in a row over OSU. Then OSU won a lot and it went back and forth. There have been brawls after the game, riots after the game (on each campus) and general hatred bewteen the states.

I won't bore you with all the details of the game and the rivalry. Let's just say it is big. The documentary is a good show to watch, if you get the chance. I think that the Buckeyes should roll, especially if Hart and Henne are both hurt. OSU 35 scUM 7.

When asked why he went for two points after a touchdown late in the fourth quarter with a HUGE lead over M*ch*g*n, the late Woody Hayes answered, "Because they won't let me go for three." True Story.

Jokes for the day:

Q: What do you call a pretty cheerleader at the University of M*ch*g*n?
A: A visitor.

Q: How do you get a scUM cheerleader into an elevator?
A: Grease up her hips and throw in a Twinkie.

A Buckeye fan, a Wolverine fan, a nun and a stunning blonde are riding on a train. Suddenly the train heads into a tunnel. A loud smack is heard and as the train rides out of the tunnel the Wolverine fan is rubbing his face. The nun thinks: "Serves him right for trying to grab the blonde." The blonde thinks: "Serves him right for trying to grab the nun." The Wolverine fan thinks: "The Buckeyes fan was probably trying to grab the blonde, missed her and grabbed the nun instead. Then she tried to smack him in the face and missed." The Buckeye fan thinks: "Next tunnel I'm going to smack that stupid Wolverine fan again."

Q: Did you hear about the power outage at the University of Michigan library?
A: Forty students were stuck on the escalator for three hours.


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