Friday, February 16, 2007

Best Game Ever....

First I just wanted to brag about my best game of bowling EVER. First, let me set the stage. I shoveled my drive way Tuesday and then again Wednesday, screwing up my right shoulder somehow. I can't move my arm up at the shoulder (like flapping a wing) without shooting pain, but I can swing it back and forth (like a bowling arm swing) with minimal pain. Since I could swing my arm back and forth, I made up my mind to 'cowboy up' and bowl through the pain. My first game SUCKED. A 154, which is 40 pins below my average. I think my arm injury made it so I couldn't through my ball the way I usually do, so it dodn't hook at all, and I wasn't hitting anything. Mid way though my first game, I switched my ball to my older ball, which seems to break a little bit more. I struggled with the adjustment at first and my second game was a 191, which is close to my average (192). Then, I started hitting everything. It didn't matter where I threw the ball, I got a strike. I hate how my brain works, because as soon as I have the first three or four strikes in a game, I start thinking about bowling a perfect game (12 strikes = 300). That is what happened last night. I got the first four and then missed the fifth. That was the last miss though. I finished out with all srtikes and ended up with a 279. I was psyched. I get prizes for that too! I get a towel for a clean game (all strikes and spares), a deck of cards for bowling over a 250, and a mug for bowling a 279. My only disappointment was the first game that sucked. It also sucked that I missed a perfect game by one ball, but I'd rather miss a strike in the 5th frame rather than missing a strike the last ball of the game.


Mona said...

I suck at bowling. My middle finger always ends up hurting and getting kinda swollen.

Eric Rhodes said...

If the ball isn't drilled correctly for your hand, you'll get that. Too bad you are so far away, I could give you lessons. For a minimal fee. :-)

Anonymous said...

That's awesome! I think my best game ever has been in the 150 range. I've got problems with incorrect balls, too. That sounded dirty. But really what I mean is that my knuckles are big, so I usually have to get a heavier ball than I want so my fingers will fit in the holes. That still sounded dirty :)

Eric Rhodes said...

Yeah. It can be hard to find one that you can fit all of your fingers in just right. Especially if you use one that you just pick up at the bowling alley. Of course then you are sticking your fingers in holes that have had many fingers of people before you stuck into them. Personally, I only bowl with my own personal balls. I have three. (Amy is right. This does sound dirty.)

Anonymous said...

You have three balls? Shouldn't you think about getting that fixed? :)

Eric Rhodes said...

Really, it's not too bad having three balls. Only when I am trying to carry them and they get too heavy, or when they knock together. It can be akward and uncomfortable. Other than that, they work out pretty well for me. I really only use two most of the time though. The third is just for show.

Anonymous said...

I giggled a lot when I read your comment. We're so hilarious.