Friday, January 12, 2007

Trying to think of something new

I have been pretty one dimensional with my posts lately. TV, TV, TV, and movies. Sorry about that. I really haven't done too much exciting lately. I guess I'm not a very exciting person. I think that comes with the kids. It's hard to get out and about when you have to either drag along three kids or find a sitter crazy enough to watch three kids. Still, I should try to put a little bit more effort into this blog than just recapping my daily TV and movie watching.


I've been playing in a poker invitational over the past few months. Nothing too big, just some of my poker friends getting together to play on Thursdays for an eight week tourney. Instead of winning money at the end or each night, the winner gets the greatest number of points, second place gets fewer points than first, and so on all the way down to last place getting the fewest points. On the last night, we get chips in the amount of points that we accumulate. I haven't won one of the nights, but have come in high enough positions that I am in the middle of the pack. The last night, we play for the real money. I think first place gets a couple hundred dollars. It's been pretty fun. I'm having a one night game at our house in a few weeks (the 26th if you are interested). I still want to try to get into a big tourney sometime (like at a casino) but need to look into when and where they are held.

I'm drawing a blank on anything else interesting to write about, so I suppose I will cut this short.

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