Sunday, January 21, 2007

Funniest Damn Thing I Ever Seen

I was flipping through the channels Friday night looking for something to watch, now that Battlestar Galactica has been moved to Sunday nights, and I found the most HI-larious thing I think I have ever seen in my life. Think about that. I grew up with Woody, Moe, Herb and Bryan. We had some pretty funny times together. This, my faithful reader(s?), took the cake, the blue ribbon, and all of the other prizes. I turned the channel to STO (Sports Time Ohio) and saw something I couldn't believe: Cleveland All Pro Wrestling. Picture this: A high school gymnasium (or maybe a middle school gymnasium, as it was very small) with a wrestling ring in the middle, metal blockades to keep out the swarming tens of fans (50 tops), and two lights (the kind from a cheesey DJ turn table that you'd see at a wedding reception) high lighting the wrestler's entrance(covered by a black sheet). I paused a moment in wonder. I couldn't believe my eyes. The amazement turned to mild amusement when I noticed that the announcers were calling out the wrestler's obviously scripted moves BEFORE THEY HAPPENED!!! I began to chortle a little. Still I was about to change the channel from this ridiculous farce of pro wrestling. WWE, it was not. Then, it happened.... the one legged wrestler lept into the ring. I kid you not. My eyes widdened. My jaw dropped. Was I really seeing this? Did Industrial Lights and Magic lend some CGI magic to Cleveland Pro Wrestlers? Nope. It was for real. A one legged man. I guess you could have called it a one legged man in a butt kicking contest. That was not the funny part. He was actually getting around the ring pretty well, and I do not want to poke fun at someone that obviously suffered a terrible accident. The funny part was that he was holding his own. Hopping around on one leg, he was trading blows with the other wrestlers who were acting like they didn't know that they could take him down if they swept the one leg out from under him. I guess it wasn't in the script. It amazed me further when the other wrestlers would pick up the one legged man and body slam him, atomic drop him, and many other moves. I kept wondering to myself if it would make the other wrestlers feel strange beating up the disabled. I guess he moved around pretty well, but still...come on. I also wondered, did they use the easily accessible penis as a handle? My amazed amusement climaxed (no, not THAT kind of climax. pervs) when the one legged man hopped to the top rope and leapt off onto his opponent, knocking him down, and eventually winning the match. Seriously, tears were rolling down my eyes. Now, you may think me a terrible person for laughing at a disabled person, but really, if you are going to put yourself into the situation where you look rediculous while performaing a rediculous showin a rediculous setting ending with rediculous results, and expect people to take it seriously, I am going to laugh. And honestly, I wasn't laughing at the man. He overcame his disability to be able to do something that he obviously loves and I praise him. It was truely amazing how well he could move around that ring. It was just the absurd nature of it all. I have the next CAPW show set to record on my DVR.

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