Saturday, January 31, 2009

Finally, a GOOD BSG Episode

Over the last few episodes, my favorite show, Battlestar Galactica, has basically be stinking up my television. It has been a great disappointment over the past few weeks. The plot slowed, the drama became watered down, and any action was almost absent. The big reveals and cliffhangers were boring and not very shocking. Last week was OK, finding out a few odd secrets here and there, but last night's episode was finally back up to par with the episodes that have made BSG stand above all other shows on TV (in my opinion, of course). There was action, plot twists, drama, and all around BSG goodness. I am finally interested in what is going to happen next and was on the edge of my seat for almost the whole show. I'm not going to get into any details, but there is some serious doubt on who may live and who may die next episode. YIKES. I really don't have any idea how this show may end. I hope it finishes up as well as it started. I can still watch the BSG premiere mini series and be riveted.

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