Thursday, October 30, 2008

I Screwed a Prostitute Yesterday

Did that get your attention? Well, it's true. Twice. Ok, was in Fable 2, the latest game I am obsessed with. I lost some of my character's goodness, and risked my character getting some VD, but thought that the option of hookers in a game was hilarious. Seriously though, if you like games that you can get lost in all day, Fable 2 is GREAT. GREAT. GREAT!!!! Not only are there the main quests that get you through the game, there are side quests that make the game more interesting. Plus, unlike some games where, if you kill bad guys then the area is clear for the rest of the game, bad guys keep popping up from time to time when you are walking through the landscape. There are also fun treasues all over the place. GOSH I LOVE THIS GAME!!!!!

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