Thursday, December 28, 2006


So, I got a movie called Waiting... through my NetFlix this past weekend. It is about a day in the life of the workers of a resturant called Shananigans (a Flannigans spoof). As a former resturant worker (several years at Friendly's) I was able to relate to all of the jokes. The movie was HILLARIOUS. Not Eurotrip hillarious, but pretty close. They tried to justify the pranks and jokes by putting a serious story in the movie (one of the waiters was trying to figure out what to do with his life) but honestly, the story was secondary to the funny parts. Probably the funniest part of the movie was the running joke about a gag the male prokers tried t play on each other. If you could get one of your male co-workers to look at your bare private parts, you got to ridicule them for being gay and then kick him in the ass based on the degree of effort that you put into the prank. It was broken down like this (it's a little gross, by the way) :

-The Pole- If you get the guy to look at your pole only, you get to kick him in the ass once.
-The Brain- If you get the guy to look at the 'brain' (testicles) only, you get two kicks.
-The Chicken Wing- If you get the guy to look at your scrotum, while stretching it out to look like chicken skin, you get three kicks.
-The Goat- If you get a guy to look while tucking your junk back (like in Silence of the Lambs) and bend over so that it is poking out the back (like a goat's tail) you get four kicks.

On paper, this doesn't seem too funny, but looking at the actions these guys took to make others look at their junk, was HILLARIOUS!!! They weren't allowed to walk around with their polls out yelling, "hey, look at my poll!" they had to be discrete and trick unsuspecting co-workers to look. If you are into juvenille humor, giv Waiting...a try.


Anonymous said...

You said that you related to the movie. Does that mean you guys had the same running gag? A bad movie that has to do with food service is Cashiers. Don't waste you time.

Eric Rhodes said...

No, I never showed my privates at Friendly's. What I could relate to was using dropped food, waitresses spitting into drinks and the sexual tensions between the employees. Plus the characters: The gung ho manager that spews forth company slogans, the slutty waitress that likes to show of her 'assets', the pervy waiter that knows the tricks to check out hot girls (no, that wasn't me) and the angry cooks pissed off about being cooks.