Friday, December 29, 2006

Johnny Knoxville is Going to Hell....I May Be Too.

So, using NetFlix (which I LOVE) I rented The Ringer. It is a movie staring Johnny Knoxville as a guy that decides to participate in the Special Olympics so that his uncle could bet on it to make $$. His intentions are noble (he is trying to raise money for an operation for his friend) but the methods are less than noble. If you can imagine, there are a lot of ball shots and other physical gags that are really funny (seeing a mentally challenged kid sling shot a water balloon at Johnny Knoxville's balls is alot funnier than you'd think). Plus, the movie also starred Katherine Heigl, whom, if you remember, is number 2 on My List of celebrities that I would allow myself to sleep with if I had the opportunity. She looked great all through the film. Anyway, the movie was not great, but there were a few good laughs. It was very predictable though.

We also got The Decent. It is a scary movie about seven women that go spilunking (cave exploring, spelled incorrectly) and scary things ensue. It was pretty creepy and quite scary. Some of the plot twists were pretty weird and it seemed like they were trying too had to make a subplot happen that didn't really need to happen. All in all it was a good scary movie. I won't go into too many details, since it would give away too much of the story, but it is worth the watch.

1 comment:

Woody! said...

I was surprised that the "Jackass" was able to bring some heart to The Ringer.