Friday, July 07, 2006

Signs of Summer

Do you know how I know it's Summer? I have had a sever allergic reaction to something growing in my back yard, not once, but twice this year. I think it's poison sumac. I know what poison ivy looks like and would never touch it, but I've never really seen poison sumac or poison oak before. I guess it could be poison oak, but does it really matter? The point is I am itchy and miserable and have been sine the weekend. I finally broke down and called our doctor. He's great. He works with Jessica sometimes (some of her nursing home residents are his patients) and he knows that she is a good nurse, so she can just call him and request a perscription and he'll write it for her. No, he won't give us morphine or anything serious, but he wrote me a perscription for something to help with my rash. We also got some soap that helps and an anti itch spray. I am feeling a bit less crazy now. When I touch one of the 'poison' plants mentioned, I get the bad reaction on the point of contact (itchy blisters) but it also travels thoughout my system and makes me break out in a rash everywhere. That's what makes this so unbearable. I can deal with an itchy hand, but throw in my arms, legs, and body, I go a little crazy. Anyway, it's clearing up a bit, so I should be ok in a few days. Needless to say, I am spraying any weeds that I cannot identify myself.

Sign number two of summer, this pretty butterfly that flitted around out backyard for a while. We think is may be a Buckeye, but are not sure.

1 comment:

Mona said...

Here's a link to pictures/descriptions of Poison Sumac. I've seen it before and never knew that it was poisonous. It's quite common, I think.