Thursday, July 13, 2006

DVR, Worth the $7 per month

I just got the greatest piece of technology on Tuesday. DVR. It's like TiVo, but you don't need to buy a special box for $100 or so. All I did was call Time Warner and say, "Hey, I want DVR." The set up a time for us to get a new box, sent out a tech and I had DVR after a five minute installation. If you don't know, DVR adds the availability to your cable box to record TV shows. You can watch one show while taping another, or you can tape two shows at once (if you are out of the house. The only thing is that you haev to be tuned into one of the shows.) We can also pause live televisions and then rewind and fast forward accordingly. Want to watch that touchdown pass again? Rewind and replay. Want to pause commercials? Hit pause for a few minutes and then hit 'live' and the show will continue in real time. It also has a picture in picture feature. I can watch the OSU game on one channel and another game in the PIP. AWESOME!!!! The coolest thing is that we can tape the shows and then fast forward through the commercials and boring parts. Fo example, we watched Nightmares and Dreamscapes on TNT (shows based on Stephen King stories) but weanted to watch the last hour of America's got Talent. We pressed record for America's got Talent and tuned in TNT. After the Stephen Kind shows, we went to the recorded America's got Talent (an hour was left in the show) and fast forwarded through the commercials and BS parts and just watched the acts in 25 minutes. IT WAS GREAT!!! The thing that drives me nuts about reality TV is the waisted minutes on BS things. Cut to the chase. Get to the good parts of the show. Now, I can do that. I highly recommend the DVR feature it it is available in your area.

1 comment:

Woody! said...

My favorite part about DVR (my parents have it) is when I'm reading or on the computer or doing something else. If I look up and notice something I've been missing, I can just go back and I'm not penalized for not paying attention.