Friday, September 23, 2005

Should I forgive Best Buy?

I haven't shopped at Best Buy for over a year. Why? They have bad customer service, they pissed me off, and I hold grudges. I won't get into it much except to say that they wouldn't replace my cell phone when the battery stopped holding a charge just because the screen was cracked. Apparently a cracked screen negates their replacement plan. Never buy those by the way. They are a rip off. The usually only last a year or so and the manufacturers warranty will work just as well. The only thing a replacement plan will do is pad the bottom line for the retailer. Anyway, I need to get some computer related stuff. I could go to CompUSA or Circuit City, but they are a bit out of my way now that I'm in Hilliard. Plus, Best Buy was my all time favorite store until the above mentioned phone incident. they have everything that you would need in the line of electronics. Plus, movies, CDs, books, Xbox games, the list goes on forever.

What I need is a hub so that I can have RR internet on my three computers. I also need an ethernet cable. While I'm there I was thinking about buying a DVD player for the basement, a home theatre speaker system for the living hoom, a CD, and an Xbox game. Could I go to Target and get these things? Maybe. The selection would be smaller and I may not be able to get exactly what I need. Actually, banning Best Buy for live may be a good thing for me. I need two things from the store and look, I add four more items.

I got angry yesterday. I wrote out a long post about the upcoming game and some other stuff. I had links going to Woody, and Bryan. Then, when I came back from lunch my computer was off and I lost the whole post (I was in the middle of it). Pissed me off. I'll try to rewrite it again tonight or tomorrow. I have too much to do today.


Woody! said...

Tough call. I'd say stick with your grudge and make the trip out to Circuit City or CompUSA. Yeah, they're out of your way and inferior stores but the only way to make your voice heard against big corporations is to keep your money away from them.

When it comes to your lost post, I constantly hit the "save draft" button. It keeps what you've written so far, but doesn't put it up on your site yet. It's also nice to work on posts that take a couple days to write up. After you save the draft, just go to "edit posts" to pick up where you left off.

Eric Rhodes said...

Like a junkie, I fell off the wagon. HARD. Your advice came too late, Woody. I went and dropped a bundle on the following: 2 CDs (The Mars Volta and Disturbed), speakers for a computer I am letting the boys use, a new coffee maker, a hub for linking my computers to Road Runner, an ethernet cable, Battlestar Galactica DVDs (US edition), and the biggie, a dvd/home theatre system. I promised Jessica I wouldn't go overboard on the speakers, so I got the cheapest one that would fit my needs. I am weak!